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whin I gotted famois, I thought aboit my life befure this.

Age 4:
I was in the basemnt. I had no one. my mother gave me dinner only once in a while.
I would usually have squishy meat and vetables and table scraps. Thosewere the good days. demetra was so mean. She always would sing in the shower and it would make my ears bleed.

Age 10:
"Mother please let this boss ass bitch go outside. I want to see if I can play with Becky"
"No", my mother would say. "Your 'boss ass' can lay down on the cold hard floor."

Age 15:
"demertra what happened to taylor???"
Demertra then said, "she's in the hospital you delusional bitch"

Age 20:
Becky visited me, and it went from there......

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