4. Let Me Go

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"Taylor over here!" I shout. She kicks the ball over, and I start to run. I dribble, pass one and take a quick peek up to the goal. Then I run some few meters and kick the ball. I look up and then it goes down in the corner of the net. I turn around and see Taylor coming, giving me high five.

"That was great"

"Yeah, perfect pass, thanks." I say breathlessly. She gives me a thumb up.

"Okay, that's it for today!" The coach yells. Taylor and I walk towards our bags. I look on the bleacher seeing Hunter sits there. She is skipping again. I drag my bag and say goodbye to Taylor, she runs along with another teammate, Lauren. I walk up to Hunter with the sun in my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask harshly. Hunter opens her mouth but closes it again. She looks scared.

"Weren't you supposed to be in class?" I ask and she shrinks.

"I-I" She stops and starts walking away from me.

"Hey!" I yell and follow her. God, she is fast. I start to run and grab her bag to stop her. She turns around.

"Let me go." She says and pushes away, making my hand slip off her bag.

"You can't just skip classes every time you want or feel like it." I say. Her gaze moved to the ground. She looks thoughtful and gone. Her eyes narrowed, I can't see her blue eyes. Her jaw moves like she is chewing, but I am sure she is clenching her teeth. She looks up with the same expression.

"Don't tell, Luke." She begs. I sigh and push my hair away from my face.

"Dammit Hunter, you know I have to." She opens her mouth and breathe in and then out her nose. She looks so guilty that it almost hurts.

"Why did you skip?" I ask curiously.

"I don't want to talk about it, can we just go home?" She pleads. I nod, I am not sure if it is the look in her eyes that makes me agree, or that I am so tired of Hunter driving me insane.

"Yeah, let's go." I say and we walk to the car and start driving home.

"Do I really have to look after you every time?" I ask upset. I turn to look at her, she has her head down and she shakes her head as an answer.

"You know the things you do, will affect both of us, you get the blame and I get the blame." I say. I look at her again and she nods.

"Don't tell him then." She says and I snort.

"He will find out eventually, the teachers will inform him if it gets too many hours. Then the yelling will get much worse." I sigh and shake my head, of her ignorance.

"You know what, you are just trouble." I wrap my hands around the steering wheel hard. In my peripheral vision, I can see Hunter shrink. I don't want to talk to her and I do not want to look at her.

We walk in the front door and I find dad out in the garden. I look behind me, Hunter sits on the couch inside. Still, she looks scared.

"Dad?" He turns to look at me from the sun chair.

"Yeah?" Dad answer and takes off his sunglasses.

"I just want to let you know that Hunter skipped another class." I say and rub my forehead. He raises his eyebrows and stands up. Dad looks behind me into the living room, probably at Hunter on the couch.

"Thank you, Skylar. I'm glad you keep an eye on her." He kisses my head and walks in. I facepalm myself after he closes the door. Watching her yeah, right. I turn around to see dad talk to Hunter. He does not look angry. He sits on the edge, calm. His mouth moving and hands waving. Hunter sits with her mouth closed and she looks so small. Mom comes in the door hands full with bags. I decide to go in and help her, hearing dad still talking to Hunter.

"Thanks, darling." Mom says. We both go into the kitchen and place the grocery in its place. The sound of talking is gone. I step into the living room, finding no one, but I can see my dad out in the garden again. Hunter must have gone up to her room.

I'll Reach For You (GirlXGirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon