Poot berth

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when I pooped out of tha wumb I already new I had talent. More then demi butt my mum didnt thnk sooo. so at tha age of tan. I was put in dat basemnt. Plase exscuses my englash. Whan you locked in da basemnt four so long you start to furget. I would eat tha skwerls in the basemnt for nutrision. I taght myself my own skewl. That's why I'm so smert. sometimes demertra would give me her left over toe nail clips. she would says, "her doggiy. Caught tha bone" and throw it in the air. she said not to swallow then but I always sneeked them in my but hule and when she left for beddy bye I would take them out amd eat it whole. then I would sleep on the cold floor but don't worry my imaginary friend would warm it up four me. I think her name was Lana

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