Freed Into a Bigger Cage

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Chapter 9

Freed Into a Bigger Cage

I was still in the dark place fighting to hold myself together when Sett came back with a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked familiar but I couldn't place her.

Why am I wearing such a short dress?" She screeched holding them hem of her thigh length white dress down.

"You usually wear such dresses over pants don't you? Girls don't wear pants and a dress when they enter someone else's mind. If you have a problem wear a uniform like mine." Sett said testily.

They stopped in front of me. "Okay now focus Kiiro's memories at Jett but only release one for every three I do. Jett's been around longer than Kiiro and releasing both sides memories too quickly will erase Kiiro." He explained. "Are you ready?" He called to me.

I nodded and watched as they focused. Red lights came from Sett to me and blue from the girl. Three red lights would reach me for every blue light just as they planned and I began to remember. The girl's name is Wyla and I have friends. Prez, Greg, Wyla, Finna, Shina, Xim and Lynx. I have a brother and three cousins as well as foster parents who care for me. I've killed to reach my goal of Sett and I being on the same time. I remember Finna falling and her program breaking.

The dark space begins to fill with light and becomes a large room full of boxes. Everything flies back into their proper places. The last of the lights find their home in my alphabetically organized mind and Wyla and Sett faded away as I fell asleep. I'm exhausted and haven't truly slept for days. I guess now is a good time for a nap.

I opened my eyes and looked straight up into someone's face. She looks very familiar.

"You!" I yelled and sat straight up. She ducked out of the way before I hit her though.

"You know Fennella?" Wyla asked coming from around the corner.

"She is...was my target." I shook my head as I recalled I was no longer part of the system.

"Is he awake?" Sett whispered from the door way.

I slipped my hand under my pillow and threw a pair of scissors I'd hidden there at him. He caught them though. "Do I look awake?"

"I don't know. It wouldn't be the first time you threw something sharp at me in your sleep." He replied evenly coming in.

"Since I've never seen the two of you together, I'm going to make the random guess this is normal for the two of you." Wyla sighed.

"No this is actually pretty calm. What do Earthlings call it. We do a lot of..." he appeared deep in thought for a moment, "rough housing." He finished.

"That doesn't sound like Kiiro at all." Wyla threw back with a straight face.

"We're brothers, do you expect us to get along 100% of the time. No, we usually don't. Some small disagreement and we're judo flipping each other. We're just too similar to get along all the time." Sett said.

I aimed carefully and threw my boot at his head. "He's right." I chirped and jerked my head to the side as the boot came flying back. "Careful, if I was a human and I bent my neck that way I would be dead." I said to Sett with a dangerous edge.

He yelped and ran and I gave chase. At the bottom of the stairs we both got smacked on top of the head with a wooden spoon.

"Sett, Jett, if your going to rough house go outside." Wyla's mother said pointing to the door with her spoon.

"Yes ma'am, sorry," we said in unison.

She smiled like all was forgiven. Then hugged us tight, "Oh, you two are so cute. You even do the synchronized twin voice thing!" She squealed. We yelped and ran outside and away. Well not really but we did climb a tree and jump down onto the roof. We lay down laughing our heads off. After a few minutes we calm down and lay on our backs staring at the sky.

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