Chapter 23

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I woke up the next morning to swollen eyes and a scratchy sore throat. I snuggled deeper in the soft bed and sheets ignoring the light streaming through the blinds. I tried to will my body back to sleep but it didn't work, I was up now. I really hated being one of those people that once they are up they are up; no going back to sleep. With a groan I rolled onto my back bringing my comforter up and over my head.

As I laid there a very nice manly smell wrapped itself around me. I breathed in deeply loving it. I laid there smelling the sheets like a weirdo before what happened last night rushed to the front of my mind. I groaned even louder as I realized that seeing my mother was not a dream I made up. I replayed everything than sat up as I remembered I was in Liam's bed. The comforter fell to my lap as I looked around the room. Liam was no where in sight but sounds of plates clicking together let me know he was in the kitchen. Seeing as it was 9 o'clock in the morning I pushed the comforter away and swung out of the bed. I haven't slept that good in a long time and I was reluctant to leave the cozy bed.

I did my thing in the bathroom but wincing at my reflection. My curled hair was last night was everywhere tangled together. My green eyes were red and swollen from crying so hard. At least I didn't have dried/ruined makeup on. Beyond really caring about how I looked I slowly made my way out of Liam's room and to the kitchen. I walked in on the sight of Liam in nothing but a pair of shorts that hung low on his hips. His muscular back facing me making my mouth suddenly dry. Liam was definitely out of my league.

Since I was not wearing any shoes or socks I padded over to the bar quietly. Pulling a chair out it made a squeaking sound that made Liam whirl around almost dropping the pan in his hands.

"You scared me." He said trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly. He turned back around giving me time to check out his well toned backside. Watching Liam cook was very hot to be honest. Something about a man that knows how to cook is seriously sexy. On top of it already being sexy Liam wasn't wearing a shirt displaying his nice abs for me, making the whole situation a lot hotter then usual.

"Here you go malady." He said with an accent bringing a smile to my face. Setting a plate in front of me I had to force a laugh back. Liam had made me different shape pancakes. I could tell he really did try on them but they looked like big batches of misshaped circles. One looked like a heart but one side was larger than the other. All in all it was the sweetest gesture I have ever gotten.

"You made me pancakes."

"And apple juice since I know you like that better than orange juice." He slide a glass in front of me. I looked at him feeling absolutely touched he knew what I liked.

"Liam...thank you." I said sincerely. No one has ever made an effort this nice to me.

"It's no problem. I hope it tastes good." He slide in beside me. I rolled my eyes at that knowing it will even if it didn't look pretty. The next few minutes we ate in silence. The breakfast was good and I even got up to get extra.

"Liam thank you for last night. You really didn't have to do that." I finally said. I needed to thank him for leaving his companies event for me and taking care of me.

"Jenna it is fine. Don't worry about it, I am happy to take care of you." He turned to me. "Don't even apologize for crying on me." His tone was firm. I knew it was useless saying anything else. "How about we do something today." He suggested.

"I don't know. What could we do?" The idea of spending the whole day doing something fun with Liam sounded very appealing. His face lit up and a wide grin spread across his face.

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