Don't Stop Believing

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Name of the Song - Don't stop believing

Artist - Journey

Album - Escape released 1981.

Songwriters - Jonathan Cain, Steve Perry, Neal Schon

YouTube link for the song - (you can find the video in the media section)

Journey Of Life

Mia and Aadhi, the most successful actors of the film industry at a young age are now standing hand in hand in front of their fans to receive the biggest and prestigious Oscar award. Only they knew what life had put them through to reach this level. They stood on the grand dais holding their awards with happy tears. Both exchanged a comforting and knowing glance and their eyes expressed the past which only they knew.

Mia ran off from her home at the age of 18 years. She was from a small town of Hyderabad and was from a poor background. Her parents tried to kill her as they couldn't cope up with the expenses of the family. And she being a female child made it easier for them. Knowing this, she ran away at midnight when all were asleep, with a belief her life will be better in the near future.

Aadhi, a 20year old lad lost his parents due to an accident when he was at the age of 10. Mr.Purohit (Aadhi's dad) was a leading businessman and he left behind his property for his son. Aadhi was taken care by his uncle and aunt after his parents' death. His greedy uncle and aunt wanted his property and decided to kill him. When Purohit's loyal servant knew about the plan, she made Aadhi leave the house and informed him that the property will be safe in his hands and he can take it over when he becomes successful in his life.

Both the lonely souls with heavy heart boarded a midnight train without knowing their destination. They had no idea what to do for their survival. As decided by fate, they both met in the train. They were seated opposite to each other. Their tears explained the sorrows they both went through. Though they were strangers, they felt the urge to comfort each other. After a few minutes of silence, they opened up to each other and felt comfort in each other's embrace. They grew close to each other the moment their hearts opened up. A smile crept up on their faces and they heard a lovely music. They turned around to see a guitarist singing a lovely song striking the chords of his guitar. Soon the compartment smelled of wine and perfume. The very few people who were present in that compartment passed out due to the effect of alcohol. They spent the whole night knowing each other and the smile never left their faces knowing there is someone for them.

The train reached its final destination and they got going where their legs took them. They roamed around the place where strangers were waiting up and down the boulevard. They passed many people who were living under the streetlights searching for a safe place to live and few who were living just to find their soulmates. They even came across few dangerous men lurking under the shadows just to rob people or to destroy the sanity of innocent girls. Escaping from all the dangers they reached a safe and crowded place. By that time, the sun had set in its rays. Aadhi made a call to Shyam (his dad's loyal servant) and told him all the details of the place and asked him to rent a house for their stay.

With the money they had in hand, they got the daily necessities and began their new life. They rested for the day and began searching for a good director and producer. Yes, they shared a common passion for acting. They wanted to become leading actors. They approached almost all the popular directors for their chances. In return, they were only humiliated and kicked out. After a month of hard work, starvation, stress and frustration, they finally got chance to act in short films.

They had experienced a lot of failures, but they were not dejected. They held on to their inner feeling and the belief of becoming successful. After a year of failure and hard work they got a chance to act in movies. Seeing their hard work and lively performances, many directors approached them. Not willing to miss even a single chance, they took up all the offers that was brought to them. And finally after 2 years in cine field, they are now in a successful position. They are now happy without worries. Its only because of their hardwork and belief they are now standing in front of their fans holding the most prestigious Oscar!

For contest by SandyGraves


For 6Amethyst contest...

A/N: Hope you liked it. I would like to hear feedbacks from you. Please vote and comment.

Kyra :)

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