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Allie finally managed to block Ryan out

He kept winking, and wiggling his brows at her.

she focused all her attention on taking notes and worrying about her son.

She'd made it clear to him that nothing could happen between them.

James was her number one priority, she wouldn't let just anyone come into his life only to walk out after a while, it'll break his heart.

Now back to the matter on ground, she'd thought office work was boring but the meetings were more boring.

Evie, Liam, Eugene, Neil, Dominic, Kath and three other men that Liam introduced as their engineers were having a heated discussion on how sizes of ships could be increased without increasing the risk of capsizing.

There was also another lady here, taking notes.

It was funny to see Evie on full work mode with a straight face and

That is the most boring experience of her life and too bad was still happening. The worst part was, she had to be awake to take notes for Liam.

She had to bear and she knew it. She was the one who registered herself for online studies when she picked up the pieces of her life.

Deciding to keep James was one of the biggest decisions she made in life. She knew it came with sacrifices and it demanded undivided attention because she'd vowed earlier in life to give her children everything she never had.

She quit her old job as a doctor who worked over eleven hours a day.

Before James, work wasn't difficult because she had an understanding boyfriend. Maybe that was why he grew tired of her.

Few months after James was born, she dropped her resignation letter at the hospital, sticking to her vow of being the best mother in the world.

Though it has not been financially easy, she wouldn't give up, not until things gets better.

Her s...

"Allie what do you think?"

Dom's voice sliced through her thoughts.

She lifted her head to look at him.

"About what?"

She was confused! Though she was taking notes, she had no idea on what they were discussing.

"We'd like to increase our ship sizes and I was wondering what you thought."

Dom said and leaned into his seat.

Allie could feel evey pair of eyes on her, watching her every move.

"Well, I think we should beat down the size of the ship engines, since it takes up reasonable space.

Shut up Allie! You're not making any sense!

Her mind screamed at her, she drew in a breath before continuing.

"That way, the quantity of goods conveyed can increase and we won't have to worry about overloading or capsizing."

There was a few seconds of silence before Liam said something in Portuguese, one of the other men responded in the same language.

They argued for a while before Dom said something in Portuguese.

Allie sighed inwardly, they were speaking this strange language because they didn't want to humiliate her, she should've kept her mouth shut.

Dom rose, "ladies and gentlemen, this meeting is postponed to tomorrow. Have a great evening."

Always You.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant