Chapter 25- Am I... Bleeding?

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Darcy's POV.

Carl, Shaun and I wandered through the streets of London for what seemed like ages until we stumbled upon Hyde Park. Why we chose Hyde Park specifically I don't know.

They seemed happy enough though and fortunately didn't make me feel like a third wheel at all.

"So, how long have you lived with them?" Carl asked as we strolled down the path, Shaun clinging onto his arm as if he'd run away.

I frowned and pulled my lips together in thought, "At least a month now, I think. I don't know though. Could be longer, I'm sure Sherlock would know."

"Speaking of Sherlock was he the guy with the curly hair?" Shaun leant forward from beside Carl.

I chuckled, "Yeah, why?"

"Those cheekbones. God-"

"Yes, thank you, Shaun." I cut him off and giggled.

We were silent for a little while and the remnants of my laughter faded into it. "You seemed to be in an awful lot of danger back there." Carl stated, thoughtfully and I just shrugged.

"I guess but that's why I'm with them. They keep me on my toes." I countered and put my hands in my pockets to keep them warm in the cold, night air. "And the deductions."

"Deductions?" Carl frowned, glancing down at me.

"Yeah, like how I knew you were gay when I first met you."

His mouth dropped open and then he went to say something before I interrupted him, "Your underwear was visible above the waistline. There was product in your hair and you had a high level of personal grooming."

"So?" He laughed lightly.

I glanced up at him with my eyes raised challengingly, "When you went to the counter I also saw you touch Shaun's hand affectionately. That seemed to confirm it for me."

"Right. That'" He stuttered and I chuckled.

"Never gets old."

Shaun frowned, "What?"

"The reactions."

We'd been walking together for a long while now, for quite a while I didn't speak and just listened to them bicker, it was getting quite late.

"Hey guys, I should probably head home." I announced, standing near one of the exits to the park. Home, I was actually calling 221B home now.

They stopped with me and Shaun wrapped his arms around my neck again, this guy really liked dishing out hugs didn't he? "Be safe okay, Darce?"

I nodded awkwardly as he released me and waved at them as they walked away hand in hand, I half-smiled before turning to leave. Something felt off though and I stopped myself, looking around at the shrubbery surrounding the exit.

Shaking my head clear of any suspicious thoughts I made to leave but suddenly something rather heavy hit me over the back of the head and I fell forward slightly, I put my hand up to my head and looked to see blood coating my fingers.

I turned to see an oriental man dressed all in black behind me and approaching me once again with a pipe in his hand, my vision started to blur and I backed away from him. How was anyone not seeing this?

A large white van pulled up on the road and the door swung open, I looked behind me just in time to see the man in black swinging the pipe to hit me on the side of my head.

After that everything just went dark.


When I managed to open my eyes everything was still rather blurred but I could make out two figures sat opposite me and fire blazing in some form of oil drum. I tried to cry out but the gag in my mouth stopped me.

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