Chapter fourteen

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Chapter 14

Amelia's POV

Strangely I had seen Isla around town a lot more than I had expected. When I was out with friends I'd see her at the shops, when I was walking to work she'd be on her way somewhere, wherever I was it seemed she was barely 100 Yards away. I had told Damien about her and he seemed to think nothing of it as he trusted my judgement, I could tell she couldn't hurt anyone in the pack by herself and I also knew she was very alone so when I could I tried to provide her with some kind of company and support.

About a week after meeting Isla a group of ten rouges were spotted in the woods of Damien's territory. This came as a shock to everyone as for a week we had had no other reports and everything had seemed well. When the rouges were reported I was with Damien at the mall and he immediately drove me to one of the lock down shelters newly built for an occasion like this. I was surrounde by women and children as I watched my love run into the forest, shifting into his wolf mid run. I could still feel the tingles his lips left on mine as I made him promise he'd be safe and come back to me. I spent the next two hours trying to busy myself with tending to the children as Shelley also distracted me and herself from the unfortunate events. 

"Can I plait your hair?" A little girl of about 5 looked up at me and tugged on the long sweater I was wearing. "Please, I promise I'll be gentle." Her eyes were practically begging me and I couldn't say no to the puppy eyes.

"Sure, what's your name though?" I hadn't seen her around the pack house but I guess I hadn't seen many of the people in this massive pack!

"Bella, I know who you are, Luna." She had a wide grin on her little chubby face and I couldn't help but see the playful glint in her green eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Bella but please call me Amelia," she smiled even wider at that and asked me shyly to sit on a stool so she could reach my head.

As she promised she was gentle and the hour with Bella went surprisingly quickly. By the time Rob, Damien's beta, opened the huge locked door I had two very pretty French braids and I had even plaited her ginger hair into a side fishtail braid. 

"Don't worry, the rouges have been alumina tend and we have had no pack casualties!" Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "You can now return to your homes or the pack house, our patrollers have confirmed that there are no longer any wolves on our territory!" Everyone cheated and then filed out of the bunker to find their friends and family.

As I neared the pack house I could sense Damien and as soon as I spotted him his head spun round and our eyes met. I walked to him as he came over to me, picking me up into a hug as we met. "I'm so glad your safe, I was worried sick!" I slapped him on the chest for worrying me whilst he just chuckled. 

"You didn't believe that I, a big strong alpha wolf, couldn't defend myself?! I'm offended, mate" I smiled and kissed him.

"Well, you obviously proved yourself." I murmured against his lips and he drew me into a heated kiss again. We drew apart as I felt a tugging on my sweater again. I looked down, blushing and saw Bella. "Err hi Bella, how can I help?" 

"Firstly stop eating each other's faces in public and secondly I can't find my mummy." I blushed some more at the first part and Damien chuckled.

"What's her name, princess?" Damien asked and I couldn't help but be attracted to the sexy man who is good with children! Seriously I love the guy.

"Tracy Orman. I last saw her as she pushed me into the bunker and ran back to our house saying she had forgotten something of Dad's, from before he died..." She sounded worried and I stroked her hair hoping to provide some kind of support.

Damien's eyes went far away and I realised he was using the pack mind lick to reach Bella's mum but when he looked at me with a worried and confused face I knew something wasn't right. 

"Bella, you come with me to the pack house whilst Damien is going to try and find your mummy, is that okay?" I wasn't sure what was going on but I could tell it wasn't good.

"Ok, but it's almost my bedtime..." Even though it was still light out because of the summer it was half past seven and to add to her statement a cute little yawn came out at the end.

"Don't worry about that, you can sleep at the pack house tonight, come on then. we can get you some milk and cookies if you want!" I said, taking her hand and leading her hand after kissing Damien on the cheek and saying "Be safe".

"Yay!" She replied and we headed off.

It was 9pm when Damien came back to the pack house, Bella was sleeping soundly and I was also getting tired.

He met me in our room and as he walked in I could tell he was tense and exhausted. "She's dead." Was the first thing he said. I gasped and couldn't hold in a tear for Bella who was now an orphan. I made a promise to her that I wouldn't let her be on her own and would adopt her if I had to to keep her safe.

"How? And to poor Bella.." Another tear slipped out as Damien came over and hugged me.

"She was found in her house by the rouges. She was no match for 12 ravage, cruel monsters." I sighed, obviously it was the rouges. 

"Can we keep her, Bella, I need to make sure she's safe." I was devastated for the poor girl who was probably too young to even understand.

"Of course, we'll look into funeral plans and orphanage or adoption options tomorrow, but for now I want this dreadful day to end." Damien sighed, getting under the covers with me. 

"Yes same, goodnight my love." I kissed his lips softly, thanking the gods that it wasn't him as selfish as that sounds.

"Sleep tight baby," I closed my eyes with my ear pressed to his chest listening to his heartbeat and thinking about who could commit such a horrible, inhuman crime.


Pretty damn sad chapter but I'm leading up to some juicy stuff. Love u guys and thanks for #226 in werewolf! Whoop whoop! Sorry for the slow updates but I'm back at school and it's so busy, I'll try to whenever I can but thanks for the support xxxxxxx

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