#7 You look after him when he's sick - Zayn

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It had been a long day and you and your boyfriend Zayn had been on one of your casual dates that you always go on when he's not on tour, today you had gone for a walk in the park when it started to rain, as the day started of hot you wore high waisted shorts, a white blouse and white converses but when it started to rain you began to shiver, Zayn saw this and offered you his hoodie, after insisting that he would prefer you to have it and be warm than him you accepted it and put the oversized hoodie on

You had been home for a few hours and you and Zayn were cuddling on the sofa while watching tv, you both were trying to get warm so you were under a huge quilt and both in tracksuits

"Babe have we got any paracetamol?" Zayn asked still shivering

"Yeah, are you feeling okay you look a bit pale?" You commented as Zayn continued to shiver

"I think I just have a cold, could you do me a huge favour and go and get me some paracetamol please baby?" Zayn asked with the puppy dog eyes

"Course I will" you replied with a smile before skipping off to get Zayn his medicine

After returning and Zayn taking the tablets you both stayed cuddling and were now watching a film, half way through and Zayn had been coughing and sneezing every 5 minutes throughout the film, you decided to turn the film off so Zayn could get some sleep

"Hey why did you turn it off?" Zayn asked confused

"Because you need to get some rest and watching this isn't gonna help" You replied while turning over to face Zayn

"I will only sleep if you lay with me" Zayn asked cheekily smiling

"I won't go anywhere" you replied, Zayn laid down next to you and rested his head on your shoulder before wrapping an arm round your waist, you were both nearly asleep when there was a loud knock at the door

"Zayn!! Can I borrow a film please!!" Harry yelled from outside

"Zayn!! Helloooo!!" He continued to tell

You went to get up when Zayns arm tightened around your waist so you couldn't move

"Leave him Y/N if he's that desperate for it he will come back later" Zayn whispered before you both fell asleep

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