Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

Harry's POV 

"How do you know each other?" I asked them.  

"It's a long story. How about I get Lou's glasses and we can adjust them while we tell you the story?" she suggested. I nodded so she turned around to the drawers behind her and filed through them until she found the bag with Louis' glasses in them.  

She indicated over to one of the tables in the corner so we walked over and took a seat.  

"This is Harry, my boyfriend, Eleanor." Louis said introducing me to her. There was not an ounce of surprise on her face which was a good sign.  

"Nice to meet you, Harry." She said, shaking my hand before turning to Louis.  

"Do you want me to tell it, Louis?" Eleanor asked, as she took out Louis' glasses from the bag.  

"Yeah ok." He said.  

"Ok. When Louis was just born, his parents left him outside my house. At that time, I wasn't born yet but my mum was pregnant with me." She began. While explaining, she gave the glasses to Louis to put on so she could adjust them.  

"How does that feel there?" she said, pointing to the side arms of the glasses.  

"It's a bit tight." Louis replied, handing back the glasses. She adjusted them a bit before continuing to explain.  

"My parents took him in and raised him. About 6 months after they'd taken Louis in, I was born. They raised both of us as their own children. We were both raised to believe that we were brother and sister. We believed it and everyone else did because we looked alike and we were so similar in our personalities too. It wasn't until we were about 12 that we realised it wasn't actually possible for us to be brother and sister since there was only 6 months difference between us." Eleanor continued explaining. She pointed to the nose piece of the glasses.  

"Those ok?" she asked him. He nodded and so she continued explaining. "So that day we asked our parents about it. They told us that Louis was actually not my biological brother and that he had actually been dumped at our front door and that he was adopted." I looked over to Louis to see his hands in fists so I reached over taking one of his hands and stroking it lightly hoping to calm him as Eleanor continued explaining.  

"That day Louis locked himself in his room. He refused to come out because he felt like his whole life had been a lie. My parents and I tried all day to get him out but he ignored us. He didn't want us there. Finally though, he realised that I was just as clueless about the situation as he had been so he opened up to me but refused to even make contact with my parents." She continued.  

"One day he told me that he wanted to run away. That he felt like he no longer belonged in the family and that he was intruding. I tried to convince him not to go because we were so close we were pretty much brother and sister but he said he had to. So that night, when everyone had fallen asleep he left. He packed up all of the stuff he could and ran." She said. By now, Louis was stiff in the chair and was crushing my hand in his.  

"I don't know where exactly he went but..." she said before getting cut off by Louis.  

"I went to find my biological parents. I wanted to know the reason why they dumped me outside El's house." Louis said quietly. 

"Before I left, I searched El's house for any clues and I found my birth certificate. My parents must have left it when they left me. Their names were Johannah and Troy and they had me in Doncaster. I caught a train to Doncaster and searched everywhere until I found them. Well I found my mum. My dad and mum had apparently divorced and my mum had remarried." he continued.

Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu