Author's Note

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Hey guys!

First, let me thank each and every one of you for sticking with me, reading, voting, and commenting. You guys are the absolute best, each and every one of you.

After thinking it over and talking it over with a few people, I've realized that this is the right place to end things for Jane and Jonathan, for now.

If I try to go any further, the story may end up too thin. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing these two for two books now, and the door is open for a third, but I've got some other ideas I'm genuinely excited to get out there and haven't explored.

I've published the first chapter of my next story, Torn, which I've had lingering on the back burner for quite some time. It's got both young Jonathan and young Joker in a story that I genuinely think you guys will like.

If you like the idea of reading more of my stuff and reading adventures of the rogues before they were truly villainous, check it out!

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of this. Every last one of you.

Love always,

Fear Revisited [Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow]Where stories live. Discover now