Chapter 24

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I'm sorry this took so long. this +week has been hectic, something on each day, and I've been to tired to write. i'll try and get at the very least one chapter a week. sorry.


It was almost one o’clock when the others knocked the secret code on the door. They practically tackled me to the ground with hugs the second they came through the door and saw me.

“You’re safe,” they sighed with relief. I shook my head my lips quivering.

“No, someone got me,” I sniffled. “I can feel his child wriggling inside me,” I looked down at my stomach and rubbed my hands over it. I looked up back up at them, terror written all over their faces.

“Your pregnant? Does Sebastian know? I’m sorry we didn’t know,” Lena cried hugging me tighter. “Don’t cry your eyes are all blotchy. Please don’t cry. It’s going to be ok,” she reassured me not far from crying herself. I burst into a sob.

“Sebastian’s going to murder me, all because I was too naïve to understand the situation,” I wailed.

Harper cracked. They all glared at her determining whether to strangle her or chop her in to bits.

“It’s not funny Harper, Its serious, what’s going to happen to Sebastian when he finds out,” Irene swatted her arm. Harper continued to laugh and I soon lost it too. I was on the floor laughing so hard till my stomach hurt.

“Your faces, that was classic. That was the perfect reaction. You should get into acting Aubrey, I was even convinced.” She clapped trying to sit up.

“I don’t get it. So you don’t have a baby?” Dominique asked. I shook my head.  We had spent a good couple of hours planning this. Harper had gotten me a sort of sea lemon thingy that stung my eyes to make them go all red. “You tricked us!” she squealed.

“You guys fell for it, oh I better stop the camera.” Harper swam over to where we had hidden a camera under a pillow. “We’ll have to show Sebastian later,” she grinned looking down at the camera and replayed it for us to see. We all laughed when I had begun to cry and Lena’s poor face. To be honest, I think I over acted but they assured me it was good.

Sonya let out a whistle and a messenger trawl appeared. She clipped the camera along with a note to its tail, amazingly the fish didn’t struggle.

“Take this to Sebastian Vischer,” she gave it an address and if swam off. “I couldn’t wait. I bet he’ll be here the second you say you’re pregnant,” she grinned.

“What are you crazy?” He was going kill me once he found out it was a joke.

“Don’t worry, I wrote a letter telling him to watch the entire thing through. Have faith in Sebastian, he’s not the type of guy to open the present before reading the card. But I bet he’ll be here in about…” she looked at the clock silently counting. “Eight minutes? That is if he isn’t with the rest of the family.”

I was dead, so very very dead. Any minute now he was going to be pounding on that door. I suddenly felt very tired. He can wake me up when he gets here it was like…quarter to two. I laid down on the lounge finding it surprisingly comfy and grabbed a cushy pillow.

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