Chapter Eleven

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Since our first official date Maria wouldn't stop teasing me about I've officially become her new target the chemistry between Isabel and Muhammad had gone unnoticed with her. 'You guys are like the cutest couple' is one of the many things I keep hearing her say when ever she saw us together.
She even gave him a code name. Prince Charming.which is so not original considering she's Maria.
I'm still trying to evaluate what my feelings are for him every time I see him I get this tingling feeling and I feel happy around him. Sometimes during the days I had work he'd call me after and we'd talk for hours about mostly nothing but in all honestly it was practically everything. Whenever we saw each other I enjoyed my time with him. I comfortable with him sometime he makes me smile but other times He makes me nervous and flustered in a good kinda way like when he does something unexpected like bringing me flowers.
Graduation was just two days away and I didn't go shopping for my graduation outfit yet. I've been putting that off for a long time along with the rest of the things in my life like what school I should choose or if I even want to go to school in the fall at all considering my dad is in Comatose state in the hospital with no scientific possibility that he would ever wake up to see the world again. Every time I see him I can't help but compare him to the strong healthy looking father I've known all my life. It feels like something is cutting at me from the inside seeing him look so vulnerable. I try my best not to think about it during the and not to breakdown when I see in but eventually it gets the best of me ever time after I pray Isha. I've never pictured myself a crying type of person but I'm only human. I know that if Baba was well and talking he'd want me to go to the best of the best schools out of the choices I had, but. The answer isn't so simple anymore not that I was invested on going to college in the first place. Before I was in this dream of traveling the world and put in words the wonderous adventure I had and create tales so vivid that even the those who read it would relive moments as though they were there. My dad always indirectly talk me that experience in the best teacher. For graduation shopping ironically I'm not the only one procrastinating in preparing for that day. My crazy friend Maria had her outfit plans ruined when her sister Sarina found out what she was planing on wearing. What she had in mind would have given our dear old principal a heart attack as well as all the other teachers and weak hearted people planing on attending the ceremony. She sent me the picture of what she planned on wearing and it was drop dead hilarious. Sadly It didn't work out for her. Maria is the type of person that does what she feels and likes just for the thrill of it and she loves testing boundaries I pity those unfortunate people who had the tragedy of getting on Maria's bad side. She would smile and laugh at you while she gets under your skin and tests your limits while make it seem like your making it all up, It's a miracle she hasn't put someone in the psych ward yet. She would be a very scary person without even realizing what's she's doing to you. At least this year she's been trying to behave so she could make a 'grande exist from high school', As she put it. Most people who have had the unfortunate tragedy of dis coving that side of her would wonder how in the world Hanaan, Isabel, Muhammad and I became close friends with her but what they sadly don't know is that Maria Asim is an amazing person. She's a loyal friend with a caring heart With a lot to give even when she tries to act like she isn't. Once she considers you her friend she'll always remember you as her friend.
I'm Happy that Hanaan's mom decided to do our henna's for me, Isabel and Maria she's an amazing henna Artist and since we are friends with Hanaan she decided on doing it for us for free, which is very generous of her May God bless her soul.
I guess it does seem like I have a lot on my plate and trying to sort out all my feeling seems to give me more excess stress than relieving it even without school my usual stress relieving remedy isn't really working as at all. Which usually consists of me stocking up with loads of candy and killing it by watching funny videos. Now the vides aren't even funny anymore. Not even the lame jokes my uncle Bilal makes are funny anymore either, but I'd be lying if I said that I don't laugh at Daniel's jokes aren't funny, he's unconsciously became my alternative stress reliever. When I'm with him all my worries seem to disappear what I thought took over my day stressing about seem so clear when I am with him. I still haven't evaluated what my feelings are for him. Even now while I'm sitting right here with him and my group of close Friends all the problems I've been thinking about all day seem so far away. The sweets thing is that he promise dot attend my graduation. I don't know how he would manage that without going unnoticed by those with nothing else to do but pry on other people's Personal lives. Not that my best friend Maria is any better at this moment I want to shut her up now here she is telling him how she did a complete background check on him probably creeping him out but he's too polite to say anything to that.
"So are you going back to school next semester? Because you took the rest of the semester off after the accident?" She asked him one of the many personal not as personal as the one she asked him previously like why he broke up with his previous four girlfriend he brother Talha smacked her head for that question. Talha and him have become great friends since the day they met when Talha was helping him back to his apartment. Most afternoons we met at Maria's home to hang out Zubair is doing fine so he joins at times. I don't know how Maria does it but even with both her brothers here she's getting way too personal. I know she doesn't mean to sound rude but that's the thing with her she forgets to turn on her filter a lot.
"I'm not sure I am going back to school in the fall either I'm still trying to get the hang of Braille."
"Awww that just so adorable Azi Might take the semester off in the fall as well. It's like the two of you are synced." She said out loud causing me to finally pinch her. And give her the 'are you for real now?' look. Before I looked up at everyone else's eyes at us. To my unusual discomfort Daniel was smiling from ear to to ear.
"I think I already know that, she seems like a traveler by heart. Who craves adventure?"

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