Chapter 15- A Threat

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Chapter 15- A Threat

It was a smile, an evil grin, urging me to come forward. I step and fell into a pit of blackness. Guns were fired. Bright lights flashed in my eyes and then it was darkness again. I heard the screams of Morgan. Then there was blood. Raining from the sky, spilling from the ground. Suddenly it stopped. Wet, salty tears replaced it and I was no longer in the pit, but on a busy street. The evil smiles were coming, so I ran, they followed, coming closer and closer with every step. Then they weren't faces anymore, just hooded creatures on my heel. There was an exit. Just a few steps away. Almost here. Then they grabbed me.

I awoke with a start, gasping for air. A dull pain sat in my head, so I reached up to rub it. There weren't any restraints anymore. In fact, I wasn't even in the hospital room anymore, but on a leather couch in a large room. My vision faded in and out, making everything blurry. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. I brought my knees up to my chest, trying to stop my feverish shaking.

Memories of what had happened the night the assassination flash flooded my broken mind. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

"What have I done?!" I shouted to the empty room, my tears on the verge of spilling over. I couldn't remember anything except how I got knocked out after I shot. Then I awoke in an infirmary. Now I was here. What had happened in between? What else had gone wrong?

"It's okay," stuttered a strained voice to my left. Kelsey. My eyes darted over to the corner where it came from, and there on the chair sat a frail, Kelsey. Her ribs shown through a thin tank top and cuts covered her pale skin. Relief filled every bone in my body when I saw her short black hair, bobbing above the pillows. "They are all here."

"Really?" I asked scanning the rest of the room. It was true, on the other two couches sat Morgan and Brooke, both unconscious, but both there. "Are they okay?"

"Yeah, they should be waking up soon anyways." As if on command, Brooke groaned and sat up. She yelled something that I couldn't really make out, then rested her head against the arm of the couch she sat on.

"Brooke," I whispered quietly, "Brooke, are you okay?" She jolted up and groaned again, eyes filled with gray. "Brooke, listen, your safe, it's okay."

"No, stop saying that, we aren't safe." Muttered someone else. It was Morgan. She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, clutching her side.

"What do you mean? How long have you been conscious?" Kelsey asked, obviously unaware that Morgan had been awake.

"That's the thing, I've been awake though it all, and we aren't safe." She responded, still watching the ceiling's every move. Brooke must have came to her senses because I heard a gasp from her side of the room. "We rebelled against them, we went against orders, we had our own mission. No longer do they think of us as their students, but as a threat."

We responded in silence. I had never thought of us as a danger towards my parents of Madmen Miranda, and definitely not to X. They had always been a step ahead, guiding us and teaching us how to spy. But it was true, we had gone against orders, but that didn't mean we were a hazard.

"When the come to debrief just remember, it's all a lie. They're a lie. We aren't safe."

As if on cue, Madame Miranda walked in, "Ladies, it's time to talk."

Disappearing, Inc.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें