Chapter 10

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Cecilia yawned in a ladylike fashion as she fanned herself even though the heat of mid morning was still mild.

"When will you stop reading that book?" She complained to Delilah who was hunched over a book.

"In a minute Cissy, I need to finish this paragraph about evergreens and their ability to-"

Cecilia's head hit the back of the sofa in such an audible manner that Delilah was forced to look up from her book.

"Oh, look, only self flagellation catches your attention," Cecilia muttered blandly.

"Stop being jealous that I am paying more attention to a book," Delilah laughed and settled down in her nook to continue her activity. Before she could immerse herself in the text any further the door leading to their sitting room slammed open. Three of their friends bounded in.

"Pardon us for intruding but-" Isabella paused though she continued to breath heavily, "What are you two doing here looking so underdressed?"

"And you look like you're getting ready for battle... on a horse," Cecilia asked admiring their friend's new attire. All the girls were impeccably dressed in smart riding habits. Their patterned skirts were fitted and the bodice was equally well tailored.

"We're having a picnic," Isabella replied smoothing down her plaid front, "This picnic is also a sporting event. Prince Damian sent word to our dining room to inform us of the day's proceedings. He instructed us to be ready for any wear and tear."

"Well, Cecilia this is what happens when you oversleep and not dine with everyone else. We are so terribly unprepared," Delilah put her book back on the table after firmly placing her bookmark in it and walked out of the room to call the maid.

"Oh, what will I do," Cecilia fretted, "I didn't even curl my hair before I slept."

"Time's awasting while there are eligible men to be caught," Prudence looked cross, "Oh, stop worrying and choose something to wear."

"Yes, hurry, Cecilia, or there won't be any nice horses left for us either," Isabella remarked with great agitation.

"Horses?" Cecilia was confused.

"We have the choice to either ride in a carriage," Mary finally spoke up, "Or take a ride on a horse."

"Of course we shall go with the horses. Best place to see and be seen," Prudence announced looking satisfied.

"You are comfortable with that? I thought you would want to-" Mary asked cautiously hoping that Cecilia would not find the idea repulsive.

"I love horses! Spent hours racing my brother and cousins whereas Delilah, well, she will have a problem," Cecilia's mood suddenly lost its vibrancy.

"She will?" Mary was concerned.

"But she won't tell you, she will smile and never reveal her lifelong scare of horses. She hasn't even admitted it to me," Cecilia smirked, "Maybe now is the time to get it out of her."

Delilah walked back with maid in tow moving at a furious speed. She paused when she noticed the identical smirks on all the girls' faces.

"Oh do hurry up, we're going horse riding," Cecilia announced.

"We are?" Delilah looked panicked stricken for the barest of moments but hid it instantly.

"Yes, now hurry up. I know you had a new dress made for outdoor activities."

"Indeed," Delilah gulped trying to hide her fear.


"What kind of sports?" Cecilia asked eagerly as they waited for their mounts. She looked fetching in her braid. She wore a green pleated skirt and stylish leather boots.

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