Meet Dakotas Confession

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"You think you're living a freakin fairy tale don't you?" Tony growled, coming up behind me. I immediately recognized his voice because it often resonated in my dreams. 

Last night, Jace used a timer camera on his phone to take a picture of us dancing. I'd just got it printed in the library and was hanging my copy in my locker. It was almost Friday and I knew I didn't have much time left with him. I felt guilty just hanging the picture up, but I couldn't think about my confession at the moment. Not while we looked so happy together. 

I tried to ignore Tony, but he wasn't having that. He slammed my locker shut and grabbed my elbow roughly pulling me away. He dragged me to the staircase where there was a mini hallway. It was secluded so no one would hear us.

"When are you going to tell your little prince what you did?" He demanded. "You're no better than me keeping that from him." He pointed out.

I glared at him. "It's none of your business. And you don't understand. What do you expect me to say? Hey Jace, I helped your arch nemesis to rob your house and lied to your entire family? You should be grateful that I helped your sister." I hissed. I looked around the corner and up the staircase to make sure that nobody was looking. 

He laughed. "None of my business." He mocked, his eyes grazing the ceiling as he rolled them. He focused on me with a harsh glare. "Hey, whatever happens, we're in this together so in others words, keep those pretty little lips shut." He snapped, getting into my face.

"Just leave me alone." I said sharply, then sighed. "I have to tell him Tony. I can't go on like this."

I moved out of his reach and to the doorway of the staircase. I turned back with tears in my eyes, "I'm telling him tomorrow."

"No need." A new voice said. I whirled around and came face to face with Jace himself. "I heard everything." He said, glaring at me then turning sharply on his heel.

My eyes widened. "Jace wait!" I called. I reached for him but he hurried away from me. I turned and glared at Tony who just shrugged.

"Weren't you just gonna tell him anyways?" He asked me dumbfounded.

I clenched my fists breathing in and out deeply.

Tonys face softened. "Oh come on. I'm sorry for all of this Dakota. I was desperate and plus, you didn't have to help me. I really am grateful." he told me. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight as I cried. "You must really love this guy." He said.

I pushed away from him wiping my face furiously, then without another word I took off after Jace.

I hurried down the hallway, wiping at my tears as I run. Ducking my head into  classrooms as I looked for Jace. 

Finally, I spotted him in storming out the front doors. 

"Don't bother explaining." He said when I neared him.

"I'm not going to. I know what I did was wrong." I said. "Bu-"

"There are no butts! You practically robbed my family, and then lied to us about it! How can you possibly get out of that?!" He yelled. 

I stood there silently, not knowing what else to say. He was absolutely right, there were no butts. I didn't have to help Tony. I could have just let him rob the house and remained the victim. I don't know why I helped him.

 "And in case you're wondering, no I'm not going to tell anyone. Your little secret, is safe with me. Just don't bother with me anymore." He spat.

He turned on his heel and left me standing there drowning in my tears.


I got a ride with Quintin home that day, and the day after. It became a regular thing. Nobody asked me what happened between Jace and I. And I was happy for it.

He completely ignored me, even going as far as moving his room to the guest room in some other hallway. I didn't even know where.

I got used to it, mostly because I was busy in school and when I got home I always had AP work to do.

I mostly had to get used to the gaping hole in my heart. Jace had always been around. Even if he was simply pestering me or being rude. But now he just stayed anywhere that I wasn't.

Before setting out for the day, I dialed Ash's number for the seventieth time.

To my surprise, he answered.

"Ash!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Where have you been?"

He laughed. "I'm sorry. I went on a last minute trip and I dropped my phone and broke it,"

"You couldn't have called me from a different phone?" I asked.

"The resort was high in the mountains, there wasn't much service. And plus, you never answer unknown numbers so how would I have gotten in contact with you?" He reminded me.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry."

"How've you been? I got my phone fixed and I have like forty missed calls from you." He said worriedly.

I launched into the story, having to stop so many times because I was crying. Ash was extremely supportive and understanding as I knew he would be.

"I just feel like a horrible person." I whined pulling at my hair.

"Maybe the right thing to do would be to tell everybody." He advised. "We both know that you need to get this off of your chest."

"I know." I agreed. "I've been thinking about it ever since I came clean to Jace, but I'm so scared."

"Just do it, don't think about it." Ash advised. "Come on. That's one of your mottos." He said.

I smiled. "Yeah I know. I'm thinking about telling them at dinner."

"Good choice. It'll be hard, but you'll feel better and the weight will be lifted off of your shoulders."

"Thanks Ash, I love you so much." I told him.

"I love you too. Dress pretty, you'll be fine." He said before hanging up.

I sighed and dragged myself to my closet to find a nice blouse.


"Wow, Dakota. That's a gorgeous shirt." Diego said when I entered the dining room.

I smile timidly and took my seat next to Quintin. "Where's Bailey?" I asked.

"Oh, she's finishing up a session, she'll be here shortly." Diego informed me.

I nodded.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Quintin asked me stuffing his face with his noodles.

I shook my head. "She's full of guilt." Jace muttered.

"What was that?" Diego asked looking up. Jace gave me a look.

"Nothing." he said to Diego still glaring at me. I looked away because he was right. I had no appetite because my guilt was chewing at me.

Five more tense minutes later, Bailey joined us and my heart quickened. "Hey guys." She said cheerfully.

I felt the tears come.

"Bailey," I said. When she saw my expression, her face fell.

"What's wrong dear?"

I took a deep breath and looked at Jace who was avoiding my eyes.

"I have to tell you something." I said. "All of you."

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