Chapter 43

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Kili was sound asleep, a real pillow beneath his head, a comfortable bed below him, and a lovely breeze that lulled him to sleep hours ago through the open window. They had been led to this home after the dinner, which was barely eaten. Hungry, they dared to sneak a peek in the pantry. It was obvious who this house belonged to after that, what elf eats meat? One that was raised with Dwarves, of course!

The room was so quiet that the near silent padding of feet woke Kili. He should have drawn his sword, preparing to fight off any enemy, but he didn't. He felt oddly safe here; a sword would have broken that feeling. Fili stood at the end of his bed. His brother's blonde hair looked much lighter in the morning light, or maybe it was because of the well needed wash they were allowed.

"You awake?"

"I am now." Kili mumbled, pulling himself up onto his elbows.

"Get up, you have to see this!" Fili whispered back. Kili rolled out of bed, his hair was disheveled, clothes hung loosely on him; he yawned and looked to Fili.

"Well lead on!" His brother laughed, leading him silently down the hall. They, both mastering the silent tip toe in their youth, crept to the top of the stairs. Peaking around the corner, they saw the large maple wood table that sat in the middle of the study. Thorin was bent over a map, Beuren sitting on the arm of his chair, speaking in a hushed voice, pointing at the map on the table.

"That would lead us too close to the Ettenmoors. We've had enough trolls for one trip." The boys could hear the smile in Beuren's voice when she replied.

"Well you're going to have some in your company if you don't give them at least one more day to rest."

"Yes. Two weeks, that is all I can permit, we haven't time to waste, we must make it to the mountain." Thorin said, his voice lacked its usual cold tone.

"Can you believe it?" Beuren said. "It's still... hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of going home." She leaned into his shoulder. Thorin wrapped his arm around her waist.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure Dwalin sh..." There was a loud bang from beside Fili. Kili winced at the shattered vase beside him. They looked back to see Beuren at the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, a minute and twenty seconds, that's a new record." She teased. The boys grinned sheepishly. "Thanks by the way, I've been looking for a way to get rid of that thing for ages!" She smiled up at them.

"Sorry." They said in unison. She smiled up at them.

"How 'bout you wake everyone up. The elves probably have breakfast just about ready for you."

Right on que, Kili's stomach rumbled, causing a small laugh to escape his Aunt's lips. She nodded to them to get moving. One by one they woke up their fellow dwarves. Some woke rather easy, Ori and Gloin for example, both succumbing to their grumbling stomachs. Others were not so easy, Dwalin was a perfect example, much against his own orders, the warrior had grown a feeling of... comfort... safety one might dare to call it, despite being in 'enemy' territory. He had suddenly become fully aware of just how exhausted he really was, and sleep had come to him easily, now being pulled from that slumber would be rather difficult.

Once everyone had awoken, they were led to the terrace from the evening before. Before them lay a feast, eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits, gravy, toast, everything you could think of for breakfast was on the table. Everyone took their seats. They were the only ones on the terrace, no elves, wizards, or anything else. But after their show last night, it's no surprise.

After breakfast everyone did their own things, taking a much needed break from everyone else. Ori found a quiet corner and drew, one of his many hidden talents. Kili snuck down to the archery range, taking time to practice his aim. Bilbo wandered, looking high and low all over the city. Balin had come across a library and couldn't resist the urge to pick up one of the many beautifully bound books. Oin had gotten permission, and not without several annoyed looks, to observe a few healers in their work. Beuren had found herself at the stables; readying a horse for a much anticipated ride... she however, wasn't alone.

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