Chapter 22 - The Ferocious Lion

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I'm sorry this one is a little late. This time it was due to pure laziness (' u ') I hope I didn't make too many mistake in this one, since its a slight retelling of the day. I often have problems matching the chapters since they're written at different times. Also, I'm really happy you guys have been enjoying this so far! It makes my writing feel worth it!

-Picture of Theo

Theo's POV (Earlier)

The sudden sight of Keegan standing above me wearing a huge smile frighted me. I didn't expect him to do something like that so it caught me off guard. I chucked a pillow at his face as he started laughing. The room went silent and I began to worry that I might have hit him too hard. Just as my concern grew greater I felt a pillow connecting with my face. He tossed the pillow back at me, that cheeky little...

"Oho, its on." I warn, standing from my bed. I grabbed the nearest pillow and pursued Keegan as he tried to grab a pillow from one of the unoccupied beds in the room. He laughed hysterically while running for his life. He knew I wouldn't back this time. I hungered for him like a lion. He was like a little rabbit trying to hop away... despite him naming a bunny after me. He reached for a pillow but he was too late. I was already taking a swing at his back. Before the second swing connected with him he lifted up the pillow and guarded himself. Before I knew it he was climbing over the head of the bed, quickly distancing himself from me. I charged towards him ready to strike. But by the time I realized it he was taking a swing at me, leaving me with one option. To guard. I still pushed towards him as he unleashed a barrage of attacks on me. I pressured him against a wall leaving no room for him to take a swing. I smirked before pummeling him with the pillow. He giggled like a maniac. I found it overwhelmingly cute. He eventually escaped but he looked pretty worn out. He begged for a timeout which I gave to him, only to be betrayed a second later. Just as I let my guard down he attacked.

"You've done it now!" I chuckled. He struck back but his attacks were easy to read. He came to the realization that he would never have the upper hand and started running from me. I chased him all around the cabin. We spent awhile at it. He eventually gave in and collapsed onto the bedroom floor from exhaustion. I pinned his small body under mine as I took to the floor after him. He struggled and squirmed under me for awhile but eventually gave up. He became relaxed, which for some odd reason really turned me on. I felt his small stomach press against mine as our breathing synced. To my surprise he flipped me over and got on top of me. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and lay there forever. He just looked so adorable lying there.

"Crap, what time is it!" I ask, remembering we hadn't eaten dinner yet. I sat up bringing Keegan with me.

"I-I don't know." He responded. It took all my will power to break the moment but I didn't want us to miss dinner. I grabbed my phone and checked the clock.

"Well its eight-thirty which means we probably missed dinner." I sighed. And I was right, we did end up missing dinner. However on our way back to the cabin an idea popped into my head. I took Keegan into town. He mentioned earlier how he wanted to check it out, so I could kill two birds with one stone. He looked nervous along the way but seemed to be having fun. I held his soft hands gently in mine. I don't know why but the feel of his skin always sets me in a trance. The look on his face as we scaled the town was satisfying. I knew he was amazed by the sight, he was in complete awe. I took Keegan into a nice bakery I spotted my first time here. Surely they had to be selling pizza. If not we could save it for another time and just settle for something else. I was greeted by a woman behind a desk as we walked in. She informed us that they were nearing closing time.

"Uh hi. Me and my friend were looking to get a pizza." I said leaning myself against the desk.

"We're closing soon." She repeated. I almost swore under my breath but decided to press on. I didn't want to be sent out empty handed.

"Oh... Well me and my friend missed dinner, so is there anything we can order?" I explained gesturing to Keegan. I know she obviously felt bad that they were about to close but I'm sure it wouldn't be too much trouble to offer something else.

"Peter, would you be a dear and make one more pizza for the day?" She called, keeping her sight on me. A smile appeared on my face, knowing that I hadn't failed Keegan.

"Alright, give me a moment mom." A man answered back.

"We'll have your pizza ready momentarily." She notified. "You can take a seat over on one of those tables if you want." We took seats at a table and soon enough the pizza arrived. Keegan looked so happy munching through the plate of pizza. I just sat there and watched as he ate like a grown man. He just looked so... adorable.

The pizza was delicious. We ate most of it and I bagged the rest for later. I didn't really want to head back after that though. I heard about a hotspot in town and decided to bring Keegan along with me to check it out. It was a playground, or a park. The atmosphere at night was really something. I climbed to the highest point of the playground, that being the jungle gym. I wanted to have a good view of our surrounding. I gave Keegan a hand climbing the bars. He was no athlete so I don't blame him for not being able to climb all the way without any help. We laid back on the wooden platform atop the jungle gym and gazed off into the vast night sky. The moon shone its light across the town, covering it in an eerie yet relaxing shade of blue. I could've slept here all night but I knew that I would get not only myself but Keegan in trouble as well.

When I conversed with Keegan he seemed cheerful. It brought a smile to my face seeing him in such a great mood. He was able to express himself. He became more animated. Seeing him cast under the moonlight added to his presence and appearance. Meeting him is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Having him around really brightens my mood. I can't say the same about my other friends though.

When we got back to the cabin I brushed my teeth and took for the bed. I laid closer to the middle, leaving a smaller distance between me and Keegan. Sleeping next to to him is really relaxing. I fall asleep much faster being near him. When I'm laying next to him I just have this urge to wrap my arms around him. It's odd, he seems to fall asleep quicker when he's sleeping with me as well. Maybe its the heat, I don't know. When Keegan returned to the room he took a place in bed. He laid in front of me like usual, only this time we were much closer.

I was about to fall asleep, then I felt something press against my body. Keegan erased the little distance between us. He placed his back against my stomach. I was shocked, but most of all, happy. I was glad he was comfortable enough to do it. I relaxed onto his small body, and soon enough both of us were off to a deep sleep.

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