Aromantic Asexuals Often Write Sad Poetry Because...

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We Forget Their Stories. 

In a poem by a now seemingly inactive user, Life As An Aromantic Asexual, they describe the neglect they feel from the LGBT+ community, the normative oppressions against their lack of sexual or romantic attractions, and most importantly, speaks about their right to be free to be who they are, free from the chains of society—in pure poetic fashion.

An insider look at what it might and may feel like from those pressured into conforming to sexual and romantic norms, in the perfect angst of a person well deserving, acXNirvanaXdc describes what it's like to live life as an aromantic and asexual person in an often hyper sexual and romantic society that cannot imagine people differing in aspects we often consider "fundamental". 

Olivia, the poet, describes their poetry as angry, and this poem does embody those feelings of anger towards communities that promised to accept and support, to people force feeding their ideas or sexuality and romance and most importantly, the inability to exist without social pressure and how being different is often an open invitation to mockery.

For a deeper and insightful read, share some compassion and an ear for angry aromantic and asexual hearts.

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