Chapter 34~ That bit*h!

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Chapter 34~ That Bit*ch

"I was thinking about the dress. Should I wear a big one of a regular one?" Anna asked looking at the wedding magazines. I sat on the bed holding Scott in my arms holding his bottle as he drank looking up at the ceiling with his blue eyes.

"Um. I don't know. It's your wedding. You can do whatever you want" I said and she smiled "my wedding. Gosh I can't believe this" she sighed smiling.

She looked up at me as I stared down at Scott smiling softly as he played with my necklace. "You okay?" She asked making me look at her "yeah. Why?"

"Are you still shaken up about what happened in that dream land thing?" She asked and I bit my lip. "a little" I shrugged and she sighed "want me to make you some tea?" She asked looking at the magazine putting a post it on a picture. I tensed up sitting there looking at her.

"No thanks" I mumbled "you sure? I haven't made you some in a while" she said

'Bitch!' Sarafina growled

"I'm good" I said and she shrugged nodding. She looked at me as I put the empty bottle down and held Scott up against my chest. He put his face in my neck and I patted his back softly.

"I see you and Mason had a good night last night" she said looking at my neck making me blush. "Shut up" I said and she giggled, "you still never gave me details you know"

"I told you I wasn't" I snorted

"Is he dominating?" She asked looking at me and I sighed looking at her "he looks like the type to demand things in bed and tie you up. Like some dominatrix thing" she said and I blushed.

"Oh my god is he?!" She said wide eyed "maybe...not really...kinda.. Oh I don't know" I muttered blushing

"He's tied you up?"

"Just my wrists" I blushed thinking about my wrists being tied to the headboard and she grinned "you guys are kinky" she giggled and I chuckled sitting there, Scott burped in my ear yawning and I smiled rubbing his back.

"Does he spank you?" She asked and I just stared at her "no.he doesn't" I said and she snickered "yet" she said making me roll my eyes. "Are your orgasms strong-"

"Anna!" I said looking at her and she laughed "I just wanna know if my girl is satisfied! Jeez" she said and I shook my head holding Scott.

"Are they strong?" She asked and I blushed "really strong... He knows what he's doing" I sighed "oh wow" she said and I blushed shaking my head as she giggled.

The door opened and we looked up as the boys walked in, Mason clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes at all the magazines.

"Hello ladies" Evan said walking to me, he bent down looking at Scott and grinned "he's falling asleep" he said and I chuckled "he has the life. Eating, sleeping, being held all the time" I said and he chuckled picking him up holding him.

I smiled up at him and looked at Mason as he leaned against the doorframe watching Anna with hard eyes. I cleared my throat making him look at me, he motioned me to come and I stood up letting Evan sit in my spot.

"Your father called" Mason said

"He did? When?"

"A little while ago. I told him about what happened" he said and I sucked my teeth loudly making him look at me, "why would you do that?" I whispered "he knew something was wrong with you. He and Ian felt it" he said and I just grumbled walking out.

He turned around following me and I looked at all the people in the kitchen. I yelped loudly as Mason slapped my bottom hard, "don't ever suck your teeth at me" he growled biting my ear making me blush.

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