The 1st Battle Of Tumbleton

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Warning: This chapter contains major spoilers for the ongoing storyline, as well as graphic depictions, which may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Nettles looked around, searching desperately for any sign of civilization. The storm had left her disoriented, but eventually, she found a small farm.

The kind farmer there directed her towards Harrenhal. Following his instructions, she trudged through the cold, wet mud, her heart heavy with anxiety about her mission and the looming battle.

As she walked, a loud roar echoed from above. Nettles froze in place, looking up to see a green-bronze dragon far larger than her own Sheepstealer flying overhead.

Terror gripped her heart. She hoped fervently that she hadn't failed her mission, leading to her queen's defeat.

Despite her fear, Nettles pressed on. Eventually, the massive silhouette of Harrenhall loomed in the distance.

Relief washed over her as she spotted Meleys circling the castle before landing out of sight.

With a heavy sigh, Nettles broke into a run, heading straight for the castle.

Inside Harrenhall, Daemon was deep in discussion with his commanders about defensive and offensive strategies.

Vhagar and Tessarion had been slowly terrorizing the Riverlands, their destructive raids spreading fear and chaos.

Even though Meleys was the fastest dragon on either side, Rhaenys had been unable to locate the enemy dragons.

The Lords of the Riverlands shared their concerns and the losses they had suffered.

They implored both Rhaenys and Daemon to find Vhagar and kill her and her rider.

"I understand your concerns," Daemon said, his tone grave. "But without any idea of where Aemond and Daeron might strike next, our dragons might not arrive in time. This would leave Harrenhall vulnerable."

Harrenhall had become a place of retreat. More than half of the River Lords and their families had been pouring into the great castle every day, seeking refuge from the chaos outside.

Daemon sighed heavily. It had been three days, and Rhaenyra was still nowhere to be found.

Where could she be? The question gnawed at him as he heard Meleys roar loudly outside.

Standing from his seat, Daemon announced, "This council meeting is adjourned. We will reconvene when there is more information."

The Lords murmured among themselves, their faces lined with worry, as they began to disperse.

Daemon's mind was already elsewhere, thinking of the next steps and the missing queen.

Meanwhile, two days before the council meeting at Harrenhal, Rhaenyra decided to take a little detour.

Instead of returning to Dragonstone, she sought more allies, mindful of her growing family and the need for additional support.

Her journey took her to Highgarden, where she hoped to forge an alliance with House Tyrell.

Alys Beesbury walked through the gardens of Highgarden, her infant son in her arms.

She found a brief moment of peace before it was interrupted by a loud roar that echoed through the high walls.

Startled, she looked around for the source of the sound and eventually spotted Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and her dragon perched on a nearby tower.

As Alys tried to run inside, Syrax landed gracefully in front of her, blocking her path.

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