Finding Safety in the principal's presence

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Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Today in the gym, everyone was participating in Electives, including Jason. I was sitting on the bench when I saw him and said, "Hi, Jason." To my surprise and disappointment, Jason responded harshly, "No, get away from me. You have an ugly face." I forced a smile, pretending his words didn't sting, but they did.

Jason then tried to befriend Presley, who wasn't interested and replied, "No, Jason. Talk to Jess." This made Jason even angrier. "I don't want to talk to Jess, she's ugly," he shouted. Feeling hurt but desperate for connection, I asked, "Jason, will you please be my friend?" His response was filled with anger, "You have an ugly face. I will call the police for you and they will put you in a dirty, mouldy jail cell."

Fear gripped me, and I pleaded, "No, Jason. Don't call the police on me." The teacher intervened, sensing the commotion, and asked what was going on. "Jason is going to call the police for me," I explained. Jason, not backing down, said, "I'm going to go to the store and buy a phone and then call the police for you." Terrified, I responded, "No, Jason. I'm scared of the police." But Jason was relentless, "I don't care. The police will arrest you and take you to jail, where you belong."

Just then, the principal arrived. She greeted us warmly, "Hi Jess, Hi Jason, Hi Presley." I waved back, feeling a rush of relief and safety wash over me. The principal's presence was like a shield against Jason's cruel words. Her kindness and authority always made me feel secure and valued.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Today at school, I wasn't feeling well, so I decided to lie down on the floor to rest. The principal noticed and came over, her voice full of concern, "Jess, are you not feeling well?" I nodded weakly. Understanding my need for rest, she let me stay there for the remainder of recess.

As I lay there, I heard the principal instructing the teacher to lock the door, promising to stay and ensure everything was okay. My heart felt a mix of comfort and longing. The principal's caring nature was a balm to my troubled heart, but as the school day came to an end and it was time to go home, a deep sense of emptiness settled in. I missed her already, the way she made me feel safe and understood.

Now, as I sit at home, my heart aches. The security and warmth I feel around the principal are absent, leaving a void that's hard to ignore. I want to go back to school, to see her and feel that sense of safety again. My heart hurts so much, and I can feel the tears welling up. I just want to be near the principal, to feel happy and protected again.

Friday, 24 May 2024
Today at school I heard the assistant principal talking to Bhanu because of what happened yesterday. Yesterday Bhanu wanted to hurt Jason because Jason had been picking on him, so Bhanu wanted to get revenge on Jason, but the assistant principal said "Bhanu, No going near Jason, or No talking about violence or guns at school." Then Bhanu said he's angry, the assistant principal interrupted saying, "No, Bhanu, I'm angry because you tried to hurt Jason yesterday."

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