Jason strikes again

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In the aftermath of the previous chapter's events, Jason's antics at school have become increasingly concerning. Some incidents are amusing, while others cross the line into inappropriate behaviour. This chapter delves deeper into Jason's actions and explores his interactions with his peers.

On a Tuesday afternoon at 1:45 PM, as students made their way to their elective classes, I noticed Jason walking alongside the principal. Intrigued, I decided to follow them and observe Jason's behaviour. As they headed towards Room 3, I followed suit, unaware of what was about to unfold.

Upon arriving in Room 3, Jason took a seat at my desk for electives. However, things took a turn for the worse when he attempted to access the iPad. The teacher intervened, reminding him that iPad use wasn't permitted. Jason's reaction was explosive; he became furious, hurling objects at the teacher in a fit of rage. Pencils, scissors, and even the iPad itself were thrown, creating a chaotic and unsettling atmosphere. Witnessing Jason's outburst firsthand was both alarming and distressing, leaving a lasting impact on everyone present.

10AM, Recess.

During recess, I found myself sitting next to Jason, only for him to make an unusual request: he wanted me to remove my shoes because he claimed my feet stank. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I questioned his reasoning, to which he bluntly replied with his assessment of my foot odor. Despite feeling a bit put off, I brushed it off and didn't dwell on it too much. However, Jason's behaviour took a more hurtful turn when he began repeatedly calling me "ugly." His insults didn't go unnoticed, as the teacher overheard and promptly intervened, instructing me to distance myself from Jason due to his unkind words. As I obliged and began to move away, Jason protested, urging me to stay and even resorting to name-calling directed at the teacher. Amidst Jason's outburst, I couldn't help but chuckle at the audacity of his remarks. While his behaviour was far from appropriate, his boldness in defying authority and speaking his mind provided a moment of levity in an otherwise tense situation.


At 9 AM, as I arrived at school, the halls were bustling with students making their way to their respective classrooms. I found myself instinctively trailing behind Jason, intrigued by his actions. Though I wished I could be in Jason's class, it wasn't in the cards for me.

As we entered his classroom, I observed Jason handing his lunch over to his teacher. It was part of his weight-loss plan, requiring his teacher to hold onto his lunch until the designated break times. However, what happened next took me by surprise. Jason noticed the teacher's glasses sitting on the desk and, without hesitation, pushed them onto the ground, crushing them under his feet.

The teacher immediately called for the principal's assistance, alarmed by Jason's destructive behaviour. Despite the severity of the situation, Jason seemed oblivious to the consequences of his actions. In a bid to evade punishment, he began to fake tears. Surprisingly, the principal was sympathetic, reassuring Jason that the department would cover the cost of the teacher's glasses. In the end, Jason managed to escape consequences for his reckless behaviour.



During lunchtime, my classmates and I gathered to enjoy our meals. Despite being in separate classes, thoughts of Jason occupied my mind, and I longed to see him again. Lost in my musings, I noticed Presley, a classmate, heading towards the door, presumably to play on the swings. However, the teacher intercepted him, reminding him to finish his lunch first.

As Presley returned to his desk to eat, I seized the opportunity to write down a quick story about Jason in my notebook. His antics never failed to amuse me, and I couldn't help but smile as I wrote. Suddenly, the teacher's voice broke through my dreamy state, questioning me about my writing with a concerned expression.

Panic gripped me as I realized the potential consequences of the teacher discovering my notes. Fearful of being scolded by the principal, I hastily nodded in response to the teacher's inquiry. Swiftly, I tore out the page from my notebook and concealed it in my bag, relieved that my secret remained safe.

School StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora