Chapter 14

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Before I could blink, Lucifer dropped me on the roof of the building. Planting a quick kiss on my forehead, he went to fly back down when I held his arm in my shaking hand.

“Please be careful!” I said, voice thick with emotion. “I can't lose you again.”

He shook his head, wrapping me in his arms again. “I just got you back. I'll be damned if I let anyone separate us ever again.”

Nodding, I let him go, watching with a heavy heart as he joined the battle in the middle of the dark street.

As much as angels liked to hold themselves above others, they sure bled just like humans. Abbadon's blade swiped the side of the angel who held me by the neck only minutes ago, tearing his shirt and ripping his skin. He hissed, staggering backwards and holding his wound with his free hand. Above them, another angel flew directly into Gabriel, landing a swift punch to his face. Belial could not fly, but he didn't let that setback keep him from creating havoc upon his enemies. He grabbed a light pole with one arm, using it to swing his massive body around and upward. Reaching out with his free hand, he grabbed the wing of the last angel who was about to take flight, almost ripping it clear out of her shoulder blade. She screamed in agony, collapsing to the floor with a thud. Belial was nowhere near done with her though, he dropped to his feet next to her, grabbed her by the neck, and tore the skin off her face with his sharp talons. Blood sprayed all around, covering the demon's face, but he didn't seem to even notice.

The sound of swords clashing brought my attention to the two flying angels, Lucifer's golden wings spread out against the night sky. He grunted as Michael's blade missed him by an inch, digging his own into Michael’s thigh. But aside from a slight wince, the archangel didn't react, pulling his black wings back to plough himself forward.
Despite them being outnumbered, the angels put up a fight, and the battle soon turned into a bloodbath. Abbadon heaved as she discarded her sword, opting for hand to hand combat. The angel she was fighting looked like he was hanging on by a thread, and soon enough, he toppled to the ground, unconscious. Belial jumped up, grabbing the angel that was battling Gabriel by his leg and pulling him back down. He straddled him, throwing punches at him left and right until the angel's face was unrecognizable. Gabriel landed next to him, putting a hand over Belial’s shoulder.

“Try not to kill him, will you? He's still my brother.”

Belial grunted, clearly unamused, before bringing himself up to his feet.
Throughout all of this, I couldn't help the overwhelming sense of helplessness that took up residence in my hollow chest. All of this, the battle, the blood, the clashing of angels and demons, was all for me. Because of me. The most I could do was watch from a rooftop as the people I cared about most in the world fought their own brethren to save me. I choked on a sob, refusing to break down right then and there. The last thing I wanted to do was distract Lucifer. If anything happened to him because of me, I would never forgive myself.

“Give it up, Michael. This is a losing battle, brother, and you know it,” Gabriel said, flying up to stand beside Lucifer.

Michael grunted, swinging his blade forward once again. He was covered in cuts, blood seeping from his open wounds, yet he refused to yield.

“You would rather risk your life and the life of your fellow angels just so you obey his rules?” Lucifer screamed, blocking Michael's attack with his own blade.

“One of us has to.” Michael pulled back, his sword dangling by his side. “You disobeyed him, and look where you ended up. Did you ever stop to wonder what could happen to the rest of us if we followed in your footsteps, oh great Morningstar?”

“So, you're a coward.” Lucifer deadpanned. “I always thought you believed in the great cause, brother. In God's plan. But at the end of the day, you were just scared.”

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