Chapter 6 - Be careful

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*>Luvida's POV<*

I honestly had no idea what he was talking about. But then, when I felt his fangs graze my shoulder, I knew exactly what was going to happen. I started shaking like crazy, my mind going back to the last time he did that. It was painful. I didn't want to experience that again but right now, I was helpless.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt his fangs pierce through my skin, the same place where he bit before. I heard him groan against my skin, which made it more painful. I couldn't move as his body trapped mine as he held both my wrists onto the bed, caging me completely. I let out small whimper as I felt him draining my life out of me. My toes curled as I squeezed my eyes shut, my heart beating faster than ever. I couldn't even breathe properly. Just when I felt I couldn't take it anymore, he pulled off.

My heart was aching when I saw him, his eyes gazing over mine as he held no emotion. I quickly backed off to the other side of the bed the moment he got off me.

"When I told you to not leave house, I meant it. I'm having a serious meeting tomorrow, so I might be late. A rumor has reached my people again about your existence, so I can't risk someone else knowing more about you. " He grumbled. Without a second thought, I spat out, "I have classes tomorrow. I can't miss school!". "If you want other vampires lurking around your house, waiting for a chance to pounce at you, then fine. Suffer." With that, he left my room.

I tried to even my breath. This man is just.... ugh. I hate him. He's so confusing. How does he get in my house like that? Where is he going with all this nonsense? The tiniest of me still believes all of this as a joke.

I quietly went down the stairs to see if he was still here. He was nowhere near the, nor in the living room. I checked the guest room to see him sitting there with his elbows on his knees and forehead on his hands. He looked stressed out. I don't know hwta came over me, but I walked over to him and sat near him. He looked at me in surprise but didn't say anything.

I knew this man isn't gonna leave anytime soon. And he really did threaten me about tomorrow, so I decided to cool down and ask him about all this.

" What's gonna happen tomorrow?" I murmured. Thankfully, his eyes softened when I said that. He quietly answered , "I want you to stay at home where you're safe. I don't want others to know about you. If they do, then they'll steal you away." His eyes showed a hint of grief when he said that. " you mean you won't be here tomorrow?" I asked, trying my best to not show my excitement. C'mon it's not like I want him here. The more he's not here, the more stress leaves.

As if he heard my thoughts, he smiled, "No, I'm not sure if I will. I know you're really happy about that. But trust me, all I'm doing is for your safety. I don't want those vampires locking you up and feeding on you till you die. You... you don't deserve it. You're too young and innocent for all of this." My jaw dropped hearing his words. Why did he sound so genuine?

Was he being generous? He looked nothing like that. The man's suit was screaming royalty as he himself screamed danger. A daek grey vest on top of a white shirt with that cloak that all vampires have, he was too good to be true.

All I could do was gaze at those crimson red eyes as he continued, "I know it's hard for you to believe everything I say, for I'm still a stranger to you, aren't I?" I nodded.

"Look. I just want you to be safe. And in this giant mansion, I'm sure you'll find some safe spot. I heard more rumors about you, saying how someone saw a girl with the exact features described in the book. Dark blonde hair and amethyst blue eyes. I highly doubt that was you. But I'm not sure." He sighed. Wow. He's not sure that I'm the girl they're looking for. Perfect. Maybe if he find some other girl with my feature, he might leave me alone. Yes.

"But the moment I fed on you, I was clearly convinced it was you." He acknowledged. No. Did my excellent idea just go down the drain? Ugh.

"Anyway, whatever happens, you'll be tracked down. So you better  be extra aware of your surroundings. I'm leaving." He stood up and fixed his suit. He looked at me and as I waiting for that wicked smile he have me evrytime, he just stared. Then out of nowhere, some type of smoke covered him and boom! He vanished. What? I just stared at where he vanished. Okay that was strange. I snapped out of it and made my way upstairs.

The only rooms I knew in this huge place was the living room, kitchen, guest room and my bedroom with my bathroom. All the other million doors were just covered in dust. I remember once when I took a small house tour, half of the doors were locked up in chains and some of them had bloody handprints on them.

I'm not surprised though. I remember nothing from my past (for which I still mentally scold myself). So all of these must have been that Miss Rose, my mom. I snapped out of those thoughts the moment I thought about her. No. She'll never be my mom. I don't have a mom. Or dad. I'm alone.

Well...nothing happened here either. But the next one is gonna be a blow!...I hope.

Guys and girls,I'm practically begging for your votes and feedbacks. I really hope you guys are enjoying it till now. I'll try my best to update as fast as I can. And if I have support from you guys,  it would be a piece of cake.

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