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The more I stared at this blank screen, the more pissed off I was getting

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The more I stared at this blank screen, the more pissed off I was getting. All I wanted to do was come in, study a bit for my sales management quiz tomorrow, and go to bed. But now the WiFi didn't want to work, and I was ready to flip everything in here over.

I rest my head on the heel of my hand, letting out an irritated sigh. It was already 9:50, and I wanted to be back in my dorm by 10:30 at the latest. I close my laptop, giving both it and myself a moment to regroup. I open my book bag and pull out my economics textbook, all but slamming it on the table of the study room.

In the room across from me, I saw a group, mostly girls, in scrubs, all crying and writing on the glass. That gave me a little boost, because at least I wasn't a nursing major. They had it rough.

I find my dark blue economics notebook and turn to chapter two in my book. If I wasn't going to get anything done on the computer, I might as well get some notes down. My eyes went back and forth from my textbook to my notebook, reading and writing. I hated economics the most, our professor couldn't teach but damn sure liked giving us a lecture. Which wasn't even teaching, at least it wasn't in my eyes, considering all he did was read from a PowerPoint.

About half an hour later, I was finished with my chapter and closed the notebook eagerly. I missed my bed, and I was tired. I opened my laptop one last time, and the WiFi came back, but it was weak.

Better than nothing, for fucks sake. I think to myself as I opened my homework tab. It wasn't much, just a multiple choice piece than some practice questions. I finished it in about twenty minutes, and by then, I was so over it, I would've thought I went over the moon.

I push all my belongings into my book bag and leave, making sure to wipe down my area before I did. It was damn near pitch black on campus, the streetlights were my only saving grace. 2 AM by SZA played in the one AirPod I had in my ear, and I loved the entire vibe the world was going for. It was quiet, pretty warm but not too hot, and aside from the shitty study session I went through, I was in a decent mood.

And somehow, the universe never wanted me to be happy, cause I had an incoming call from my mother. "Can't ever let a girl be great." I whine, answering her call.

"Simone, what are you doing?" She asked, and I roll my eyes.

"Hello to you too, mom. I just left the library." I tell her, and I hear her kiss her teeth.

"I saw your location, I had to make sure you weren't out partying. Ever since you joined that god awful sorority, it seems as though your schooling comes second." She scolds me, and I muted myself to mock her.

"Ever since you joined that sorority, shut up." I groaned before unmuting my mic, and she was still going.

"Anyway, your sister made honor roll for the first time. Tell her you're proud of her." My mother said, and I assumed she put the phone on speaker, I heard it thump as if she put it down.

"I knew already. Me and Lonnie talk once a day. Can't say the same for you and dad though." I said without thinking, and I heard my sister gasp in the background.

"We call you when it's important, Simone. You cannot be upset." She fumed, and I could tell by her tone she was three seconds away from bad mouthing me in French.

I stopped walking altogether. "Why would I be upset? It's not like I'm going through the most crucial, career building years of my life, and my parents only call me to celebrate my sister. The one who just got honor roll for the first time and she's a sophomore in high school. No offense, Lon." I snap, and I heard my father say something in French in the background.

"You are grown now, we don't have to keep in contact. My mother kicked me out at eighteen, and I didn't talk to her again until you were born." She said, as if that was a flex.

"Sorry to break it to you, but parenting doesn't stop when your child turns eighteen. Sorry that grandmother abandoned you, but that gives you no right to do it to me!" I yell in French, and I let out a deep breath.

I gather my emotions before I continued the call. She made me want to somehow snort coke, smoke a cigarette, and move to mars in a five minute time span.

"Is there anything else I can help you with, mother?" I pinch the bridge of my nose, turning the corner toward my building.

I guess the answer was no, because the call ended three seconds later. I hated talking to her, I should honestly block her. However, my aunt says that is disrespectful, and I love my aunt, so I'll do as she says. I pull open my building door, and I see Gia, Charity, Christian, and Roman sitting in the lounge.

"Hey, bookie!" Gia waved, and I was so mad, I gave her a stiff nod before I walked past them.

I was so fucking mad I took the stairs.

When I got to my dorm, I put my book bag down and went into the bathroom, slamming the door dramatically. I sat on the edge of our tub, my leg bouncing a hundred miles an hour. No one got under your skin more than African parents who swear that their word is law, and their ideals are that of God himself.

I sat in the bathroom for a few minutes, letting the angry tears fall before I wiped them away. I don't think any one has seen me cry, courtesy of my father's wishes, and now I don't feel comfortable ever letting someone see me cry.

I take a shot for relaxation and go back downstairs, and the group was sitting in the same spot. I walk over with a small smile on my face, sitting down on the arm of the chair Charity was sitting in.

"You good?" Gia asked, raising a brow, and I nod.

"Yeah, my economics professor just made me mad with the homework, that's all." I lied, and everyone started talking about which professors pissed them off the most.

I felt someone staring a hole into the side of my head, and I turn to see Roman looking at me. Normally, it wouldn't phase me, but he looked at me as if he knew I was lying. And that was the creepiest part about it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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