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Marianna and her mother climb up to the viewing platform in silence. Nori is the first to speak, with a sigh. "It's been a while since we've been here, I don't remember there being such a lovely platform here before. It's like I blinked and suddenly, you're a young woman."

"Mom, I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"About school, right?"

Marianna nods her head.

"You still want to go to Hazlitt?"

"I... I'm sorry for training behind your back. I want to go to Hazlitt for school because the best diving training is there."

"I know."

"But I've thought it through. We don't have the money, and I might not be good enough... So... going to school near Estero is fine, too."

"Mari, you don't need to force yourself."

"I'm not forcing myself."

"Silly girl, I'm your mother, do you think I can't see how you feel? When you first said you wanted to go to Hazlitt for school, I thought you wanted to go to find your father... I thought you didn't want to live here, didn't want to live with me."

"Of course not, I didn't understand why you and dad split up when I was little, and I thought you were so adamant about taking me away from Hazlitt... But after I adjusted, I've been really happy here."

"I'm sorry for leaving you with so many bad memories. Mari, your dad is actually still alive. He's in Hazlitt."

"Yeah, I know that."

"You know?... You don't blame me? I've been lying to you for years."

"You must have had no choice. When we moved, you were overwhelmed, had a kid to take care of."

"You've really grown up. I went to see you compete in Gyrate last month. Seeing you standing on that high platform, I was a bit nervous at first. I couldn't imagine how my timid little girl could jump from somewhere so high, all I could think about was you getting hurt. When I saw you dive, tumble through the air, your passion was so obvious. Seeing you so happy on the podium, I was proud. Conflicted, but proud. I couldn't bear to let you gamble your future. I was worried about you going off to study alone. Afterward, I researched diving, watched a lot of videos. The divers in the videos reminded me of you. I think that, in the moment, you were free."


Then a firework went up into the air and exploded. Multiple fireworks soon follow. Marianna stares up at the sky in awe, with her mother.

"Is this what you see when you're on the platform?" Nori asks. "When I saw you compete in Gyrate, it reminded me that I haven't seen you so confident in so long. That's when I realized... instead of telling you that I wanted you to stay home with me, it's much better to see you happy. So just go." Nori hands Marianna the package she had been holding. "This is your new life."

Marianna looks inside the package, and one thing stood out to her; a filled in college application. Being overwhelmed with emotion, she drops the package and hugs her mother tightly. "I don't want this." She mumbles, with teary eyes.

"Silly girl... isn't this what you always wanted? Why are you crying...?"

"I don't want to leave. I want to stay. I'm happy here. I wish... that this moment would last forever."

And then, the sea turned dark. Waves came rushing in, followed by a cube, in its center, acting as its eye of the storm. A huge wave came, rushing higher and higher, over the town. Over Marianna.

"Mari!" Her mom calls her as the wave crashes down onto her. The wave took her down, as she resided in the middle of a huge vortex. Surrounding her were a bunch of strange creatures. And protecting her was a huge conch, which she then extended to cover the whole town. As the wave hit, it dissipated, as if it was glass.

And then, after everything was over, Marianna's hand came from the water and onto a plank as she lifted herself above water with a huge smile on her face. "Wow... the sun is so beautiful."

Her mother follows after her, coming out of the water with a smile and laughter. "It sure is. Ah, it's so refreshing. Maybe I should learn to dive too."

"Right? The moment you jump off feels amazing."

"Yes, it does. Hahaha..."

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