Chapter Twenty Four

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Frances eased into a light slumber for another hour, waking up only when a knock sounded on the door. "Enter." She sat upright as Sara pushed the door open carrying a steaming kettle in one hand and a bucket of water in the other.

"Good morning, Mrs. Brown." Sara smiled warmly.

She returned her smile. "You worked so hard last evening, I hoped you would sleep in this morning."

"Mr. Brown did all the work helping you bring that precious child into the world, and then helping to preserve her life." Sara crossed the room and poured the water in the tub. "Besides, you need a bath."

"I cannot argue with that. I feel absolutely filthy."

"And sore, as I've heard, childbirth can be challenging. Come." Sara helped Frances to her feet and out of her nightgown. Once Frances settled in the tub, Sara pulled her hair into a high bun and scrubbed her body with scented soap until it turned pink. "Sit in the water for a while. The warmth shall ease your tense muscles."

Frances sank further into the water, resting her head on the edge of the tub. She closed her eyes, beyond exhausted. She needed to sleep for an extended period in order to feel fully rested, but knew she couldn't, especially now that she had Violet to tend to. The child required her full, undivided attention henceforth. Sara would assist, but there was only so much Sara could do; she certainly couldn't assist in waking up at odd hours every night to breastfeed Violet. Frances had done it for one night and already felt like a wagon and a team of horses had run her over. She did not wish to consider how she would feel a week from now. No doubt, it would leave her sleep deprived and cranky.

Frances was suddenly thankful Roman insisted on putting that ad out for a housekeeper. She didn't know what she'd been thinking by arguing with him about it, but as fatigue sank into every fiber of her being, she had to admit he was right; she could not oversee the household while simultaneously tending to a newborn.

She thought of Roman. Would he be willing to share a chamber with her? The dreadful weeks ahead would be much bearable with him by her side. It would be rewarding to crawl into bed with him after she'd just endured a long night of tending to a fussy child.

Just then, Violet's cries broke through the silence of the building.

"I shall see to her." Sara handed Frances a towel, then turned to retrieve Violet from the nursery.

Frances dried herself, wrapped the towel over her chest, and was settling on the edge of the bed when Sara returned with Violet.

"She's wet."

"And hungry, and in need of a bath. Change her diaper, will you? I shall feed her, then we shall worry about giving her a bath at noon when it's a little warmer."

Sara returned to the nursery to do Frances' bidding. When she reentered the room, Frances was half dressed in her shift. Violet's cries ceased as she nursed. A few minutes passed before her eyelids became heavy again. Using the edge of a towel, Frances wiped the milk off of the sides of Violet's mouth, before handing the sleeping child to Sara, who dropped her off in her crib.

Sara helped Frances get dressed for the day in a purple dress. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the old number fit her postnatal body almost perfectly, despite it being slightly tight around her now larger bosom.

"Rest for a while. I shall get started on breakfast."

Frances kissed Sara's knuckles. "Promise me that once you're finished with breakfast, you shall take a little nap."

"I do not wish to burden you—"

"It is no burden. Violet Marie shall likely need to feed again in two hours, but I'm certain I can manage on my own. I shall only need your help when it's time to give her a bath at noon. That's four hours from now."

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