•||Chapter 18: Snowman||•

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Everyone fell asleep, N was walking back to where Uzi was. He signed in relief since he was worried that something would've happened if he was gone for too long. He sat down next to Uzi and falls asleep as well, his head on her shoulder.

It was now the next morning, Shirley Finch woke up and stretched. She looked around and saw that everyone was still asleep so she builds a snowman out of the snow since she was bored. Shirley Finch finishes the snowman within minutes and adds the final touch which is the nose. She smiles happily and talks to the snowman.

"Yay, I made a new friend!" Shirley Finch said with joy, she was glad that she was able to make a snowman.

Cyn heard Shirley Finch being loud so Cyn began to wake up as well.

"What are you doing?..." Cyn asked tiredly.

"Oh, I'm talking to my new friend!" Shirley Finch responded.

"It's just a snowman though..." Cyn stated.

"Nuh uh! he has feelings too!" Shirley Finch replied, annoyed.

Cyn signs and tried to wake herself up. Shirley Finch was very hyper and tried to move the snowman around so that way the snowman can keep up with her.

"Shirley, it's not real, it's just a snowman" Cyn said with a annoyed tone.

"Shushhh!" Shirley Finch responded just get Cyn to be quiet.

Cyn stayed silent and just plays with the snow, trying to ignore Shirley Finch.

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