Let the Curiosity Build!

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'Did the sun decide to burn me today!' said the squirrel. It indeed seemed like that. Of course it was mid day in hot summer. The floor was on Lava for the little boy. The squirrel was honestly struggling to find a shade just until he heard a loud scream. His heart skipped a beat. 'Did the sun actually burn somebody !Oh no, let me check'. He jumped onto the window of a house and he could see a 17 yr girl jumping out of excitement. To his fortune the window was big enough to provide him with some shade and the squirrel was quite interested to know about this crazy women so he happily laid down there to watch the rest of the story waiting for some cooldrink.

It was Vidya. she was back from her hostel for the vacation and had just got to know about the fair two streets away from her house. To be honest she had never been to a fair and she always dreamt about going to one unlike Reetu who had been there for a couple of times and could not share Vidya's excitement. Reetu is Vidya's younger sister(3yrs younger than Vidya). She was least interested to join Vidya to the fair so Vidya decided to call  Shruthi. Shruthi is Vidya's bestie. Its now the sixth year of their friendship .They both were missing each other a lot as Vidya is a hosteller. They were craving to meet each other. Both of them could not wait for the second. They've planned to meet by 4 and it was now 4:03 and Vidya was already so anxious .She was so desperate and did not seem if she could stand any much of waiting. Just then she saw a shadow approaching her she knew it . Not even wasting a second both of them grabbed each other so tightly that even air could not breath. All the fire of separation melted in their embrace and a mix of emotions of contempt was condensed on their faces. Their friendship was so adorable that even the sun cooled down. It 40 minutes by the time they realized that they've been talking till then and have completely forgotten that they had a lot of plans together. Hesitating to waste even a second more they hurried to the fair. No surprise, the fair was all full. They could not find a place to stand, forget about parking the scooter. At last both of them managed to find a place. Just as they were leaving a keychain caught the attention of Vidya. Somebody left the keys on the bike right next to Vidya's Scooter. Vidya could not take her eyes of the keychain, there was something written on it. It read "N.A.N.D.U". Vidya never felt like this before, an urge of curiosity and a mix of feelings made it difficult for her to breath. Shruthi saw as Vidya froze she asked Shruthi if we could take the keys and give it to whoever it belongs cuz somebody might steel them, though it seemed not practical they wrote their number so that they could call vidya for the keys. Vidya could just not take her eyes of that name but she was slowly carried away with the fun. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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