chapter 2 "red stained wine"

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Lorenzo Winters

“lorenzo i thought—” i put a finger on her lips, gesturing her to remain quiet, “i got her a gift, and one for you too, I'm sorry.” i smiled, this is the most i could do, i was practically broke and had no sense of uncle humour, i was just a boring man. And I was pretty much aware once my niece grows a little bit older, she will begin to hate my visits and me.

“I thought you didn't care enough.” Lily sighed taking in the bag from my hands placing it onto the coffee table gently.

“Me? No. Never. I always cared about you. And I'm sorry I'm just trying to stick to a case which could get me the money and fame I've always dreamt of” I said blandly, maybe if i phrased it correct it wouldn't sound as selfish. But no phrasing could actually hide the selfish man grinning behind my face.

“Such a nice apology, makes me almost want to kick you out at this moment.” she muttered, walking away with loud steps with her fists clenched together tightly. “Look—Lily, this case is actually really big. It's about the paintings near murder cases, they lead up to one single murderer, for now called karma–”

Her eyes hault back to me, spelling out a simple sentence she's not interested. I nodded in defeat, perhaps she doesn't forgive me this time, no matter how hard i try, atleast she let me in, gave me a chance to explain, and i messed it up.

“Just leave, I'll tell your dear niece that uncle stopped by and cared enough to buy a gift, how nice of him. Now leave lorenzo.”

My body froze on spot, i wanted to get down on my knees and beg her not to forget me and just forgive me, one last time. But something inside of me didn't allow me to do so, i just simply left, without any words. Nothing came out of me.

My phone vibrated inside of my pocket twice, my hands reached out pulling out the phone to see two simple notifications,

A reminder, mother's death anniversary in a week, event hosted by Lily near the funeral house.

What's the point?, I'm sure Lily doesn't even want me there, and it's stupid for me to think if mother ever wants me there.

The other notification being a message by Blair,

Blair; i found some clues, meeting up near our go to library?

I let out a sigh, i did not even realise when I had walked all the way to my car, a few moments ago I was inside my sister's house, debating whether to beg her to forgive me or not.

I opened the door to the driver's seat, feeling a presence behind me, before i could have turned around I felt a little sting on the sides of my neck, making me stumble forward with my eyes slowly loosing it's clear vision.

Why can't I see clearly? My headached one last time before, i collapsed, right there.

My eyes were closed but there were a last few things i could here before my body gave out completely.

Someone placing something right beside my ear.


I woke up to nurses gathered around me, with Lily sitting right beside my bed. And Blaire outside the room, i could spot her from outside the little window on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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