Chapter 45

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Someone was pissed.

Like, really pissed.

"Do something, Fabien! If you fail to revive her I swear I'll have your head!"

The world slowly seeped back into my consciousness. The slab I laid on was cool and hard, the air tinged with the scent of meadows and honey suckle. I dragged in a deep breath and fought to pry my eyes open.

I looked up and at least ten other gazes stared down at me. When the cool morning breeze swept up a strand of hair into my face, I realized something.

I was without my hood.

The moment I made the realization, someone whispered, "It's the princess..."

A louder, more angry voice said, "I thought she was 'no one of consequence', vampire."

Another said, "We could have turned her in and saved ourselves all the stress! Absalon lies ahead. A suicide wish if ever there was one!"

Just as someone reached out to touch my hair, I bolted upright in shock, regretting it immediately. Pain shot up my arm and I let out a sob. Sebastian was instantly pushing the bystanders aside, crouching beside the slab. His eyes were bloodshot, a crazed glint burning in them. "Eleanor," he managed to say gently. "How are you feeling?" His hand cupped the side of my face.

Sucking in a breath, I leaned into his hold. "I feel so much bet--"

"Can't believe we've been riding with the princess all this while!" A man heaved. "Explain this, sasech!"

Sebastian rose with a deliberate calm that had the travellers falling stone silent. His voice was grave. "Touch a hair on her head and you meet your end at the edge of my sword." I gulped when he withdrew his sword in one quick move.

The quiet stretched until the hulk with tattoos on his meaty arms spoke up. "Sheath your sword, my lord." Looking around he said in that gravelly voice. "Have you no sense of loyalty to one another. We've rode on this far and she saved one of us from an early demise. Besides, we've destroyed an entire camp. We are officially on their blacklists. Turning in the princess will still not save our hides."

Gradually people started to nod. When a few men started to bow their heads to Sebastian in apology, he picked me up and ordered in a clear, authoritative voice. "Save the theatrics. We have a wasteland to reach. Mount your horses, we ride until nightfall."

He handled me tenderly, placing me before him. I felt a slight pressure on my shoulder. The warmth of his skin seeped into me as he urged me to rest against him. I did, feeling the horse moving beneath me.

Perhaps I was still weak because I blacked out again, waking when I felt us slow.

On blinking open my eyes, I saw the skies were dark. The horse stopped and Sebastian alighted. When he carried me down I realized we were to set camp here. He went on to set our tent with an order that I remained by his horse and not move.

I watched him go, hearing the voices all around me.

A man passing by with a rolled blanket said to someone out of my line of vision, "This might as well be our last night. From here it's just a half day journey to Absalon."

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