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I held the gun and pointed towards the door dramatically.
Micah kicked the door down and we ran inside. Shiloh and Elijah rushed to the front and swung another door open.

"what's that?" I asked poking my head towards the door with a window.

The thing broke the door,it was glitchy and had 81 eyes(I counted,don't ask.) It had sharp claws like the ones that pierced David.

I shot the gun and fire shot out,flaming towards the monster as I stumbled back. Micah caught me and lifted me back up.
He somehow managed to make the wrench look like a light saber from Star Wars. He hit the monster,it split in half,and then Micah ran away.

"scaredy cat." I murmured.

Shiloh ran towards it and did some really cool spear moves. I held the gun and shot it again,hitting the monster making it fall.

"SHILOH MOVE OUT THE WAY!" Elijah shouted as Shiloh ran at full speed,barely being crushed.

I stepped over the monster and went into the room.
As soon as the other 4 entered. There was a teleportation thing. Shiloh went over to the buttons and ran her fingers through the dust.
Elijah went over and clicked a button.

The once dark room lit up into bright bold light.

"This look sick for a 1976 electronic." Micah said gazing at the light that it gave off.

Elijah clicked another button and spoke into it.
"one person travel. To M.O.M. Year 2024."
The teleportation device gave off a squeaky sound and went off.
Judah ran into it and disappeared. As the room filled dark once again.

"It was for the best," Shiloh began. "We obviously had too many people,we wouldn't wanna risk it. We can get Judah to bring David back. Easy as pie."

She walked out through an exit. I followed.
We were led to a quiet room. I heard the water dropping,and every step you heard my feet. It was like:
Stomp. Stomp. Stomp—..CREEEEK
And it was like that till the flashlight ran out.

"oh shoot." Micah stammered. He fiddled with the flashlight trying to get it working again.

I grabbed the flashlight and smacked it.

I sighed. "no good. It won't budge." Shiloh gently grabbed the flashlight before putting it onto the ground.

"It won't work,not like it'll be any good." Shiloh went on and started back on her journey.
Stomp. Stomp. Stomp—..CREEEEK
We exited the room. Coughing from all the dust inhaled.

"Where is the VENTILATION?! Dear god!" I shouted after we exited.
"The air was limited imma agree with ya on that one." Agreed Micah.

Elijah dramatically went to the ground as if he died.

"Oh get up Eli." Shiloh giggled,while slapping him.

We continued the walk,now with dimly lit rooms,in silence. Maybe noticing a few things or two. We hadn't encountered any monsters,which is actually great.

Soon enough,we did hear something,and tension rose. Micah turned towards me,his face cold as he reached out his hand.
I grabbed it as he bolted down the hall,running down steps dragging me behind. I didn't look back to see if I saw Shiloh or Elijah. I just focused ahead. The moment happened so fast. The stairs creaked loudly but he continued to run. I wanted speak,but I couldn't.
The sounds of 8 pairs of feet slamming down onto the ground at once were loud. I heard intense breathing as Micah stopped in his tracks. Few seconds later,Shiloh and Elijah stood beside us.
A 7ft tall monster towered over us,his breath coming out from his mouth.
"run." Shiloh whispered hoarsely.
We turned around and bolted up the stairs again the other way. We ran forever. Or what it felt like. We ran into a room and slammed the door behind us. Shiloh went up to the door and pressed some things onto it.
Just at that moment,I let go of Micah's hand and collapsed onto the ground panting for air.
I saw Micah also sit down too and close his eyes as he leaned onto the wall.

Shiloh and Elijah gave us a long lecture and use of instructions. She said we really could've fought back,but we just didn't.

The reason we all started to run,was because we sensed or heard those ambitious monsters. We needed to find an exit. We had travelled far beyond where the portal was.

"How are we gonna leave though?" I asked. "We've got 0 way of travel,we can't just run around forever. We almost died back there!" I threw my arms up and looked away after scoffing.
"Michelle—we've got a little hope. Look at us,not dead. ALIVE!" Micah looked at me and rolled his eyes.
Shiloh glared at us after she finished her long and boring speech.

"We can't sit here helplessly." Elijah insisted.

So we stood up and looked at the door while hearing scratches. It definitely was still out there. (Not looking too good for us..)
I grasped my gun that was in my pocket and looked at the door,thinking,
what's beyond that door?
Are we safe?..
Maybe this is too dangerous.
I'm gonna definitely go live with my parents after this..
I glanced at Micah,who was grabbing his wrench. He seemed scared,like shaking. But he still tried to protect us,so he's brave enough. I took another look at Shiloh who was thinking herself.
She had a massive red cut on her arm,she'd tried to heal it earlier,worked enough. She looked back at me,and then the door.
"The girls might have to go with eachother. It's too dangerous to travel with all 4. We can meet back up uhh...in here?" Shiloh said scratching her head.
Micah was dumbfounded. "Are you insane?!" He yelled. "I'm not getting lost. Not today. We can travel all together I'm not listening to you."
I looked back at Shiloh with guilt.
"He's right." I whispered. I realized Micah was still shaking. "He's scared enough."

No splitting up TODAY.

Authors Note:
I uhm got a flash flood warning while writing this,and it said life threatening and my brother's friends family  was driving home or something and then he said "womp womp"


Ty for reading😹😹

Ps: 1,000 WORDS?!

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