Prologue: The Witch

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 The queen opened her doors and stepped out onto the balcony, gazing at the kingdom spread out below her and the sun sinking behind the mountains. All was peaceful, but how long would it last? That was anyone's guess. A knock sounded from behind her, startling her out of her thoughts.

"What is it?" She asked. The royal messenger came to her side, a distressed expression on his face.

"Well? Spit it out." The queen said impatiently.

"The witch is back." The messenger said, nervously.

The queen sighed. There went the peace.

"Send for my captain. Tell him to meet me in the map room and bring his best knights. It's urgent." She said. The messenger nodded and hurried away, leaving the queen to think.

The sun was fully behind the mountains, and stars began to come out,bathing the white stone of the palace in light. The queen nodded once, and turned to go inside.

A flash of lightning lit the sky and she turned around. That was strange. The queen thought. There are no clouds... her thought trailed off.

Suddenly, a hooded figure appeared on the balcony.

The figure raised its head and cold gray eyes shone out at the queen. The Witch. She had come to claim the throne.

The queen knew this, but she wasn't willing to stand by and let it happen. She walked towards the witch, drawing her dagger from its hiding place in her corset. The witch allowed this, but the second the queen brandished her small, jewel encrusted knife. The witch struck.

It was so sudden no one had any time to react. The guards that were stationed outside the Queen's door didn't hear anything until it was too late. The dagger spun from the queen's hands and met its target.

The queen lay on the balcony, clutching her chest, blood oozing from her wound.

"You shouldn't have tried to do that," The witch cackled. "You know you can't beat me, you've always known." The queen knew her time was limited, and it was slipping away like grains of sand in an hourglass.

" I may not be able to defeat you," She gasped. "But one day, an heir will come and you will be beaten once and for all." Her eyes fluttered shut and her body went limp.

"Goodbye, Piper." The witch stepped over her body and glided into the castle.

The kingdom had a new ruler now.

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