Forgetfulness And Inner Critic Are Both Scared By A Big Thunder Clap!! ⛈️

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Molly Pitcher Service Area

New Jersey Turnpike Southbound

Cranbury, New Jersey

Forgetfulness: *looks up at the sky* Looks like a storm is coming!

Inner Critic: Oh no!

Man: *gets out of his red 1976 Lincoln Continental coupe with a Delaware license plate on it*

Storm Clouds: *unleashes a loud ear shattering thunder clap*

Forgetfulness and Inner Critic: *screaming like girls and rushes into the service area*

Woman: *gets out of her white 1987 Buick Regal with a North Carolina license plate* That was so huge! *holding her umbrella, as hail starts to fall*

Inner Critic: *cowering in the men's bathroom* Is the storm over yet?

Virginia Man: It's thundering out?

Inner Critic: Yes!

Virginia Man: Good thing I have my umbrella with me!

Forgetfulness: Can you let us know when the storm is over?

Virginia Man: No! Just use your intuition! *leaves the bathroom to get some food*

Drivers: *driving slow on both sides of the turnpike, due to the heavy rain*

Weatherman: A line of strong to severe thunderstorms are moving across Central and Southern New Jersey, thanks to this stalled boundary!! A flash flood warning has been issued for the following counties!

This story was written on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024.

A/N Forgetfulness and Inner Critic both got scared by that ear shattering thunder clap in New Jersey!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️ What cowards! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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