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A/n hello all! Welcome to my story! It will be four chapters long as it is a short story but I hope you enjoy! :))


Imogen's POV

I walked into the brick building regretting my decision already. The school counselor had offered to sign me up for a therapy session, however I didn't know until after it was too late to cancel, that it was a group therapy session. After getting directions from the receptionist I walked into a room with five other people in it. Everyone else was silent as they were analyzing each other. I sat down next to a guy that had brown hair and glasses as we waited for the therapist to enter. This guy had not stopped staring at me since I walked in. 

Othello's POV

I wasn't too sure about this whole therapy thing. I was looking at the person across from me, who had shoulder length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They were smiling slightly as they looked around the room. All of a sudden the door opened again. A girl who could only be described as enchanting walked in the room. She was wearing a gorgeous dress. It was all black so it was difficult to see, but intricate lace designs detailed from head to toe. Her lime green eyes decorated with smokey makeup quickly take up the surroundings as she sits down next to me, she meets my eyes as I blush and quickly look away. 

Charlie's POV

I decided to get a conversation going since the therapist seemed to be late. I mean we can't all sit here in awkward silence forever right? 

“Um, hi! I'm Charlie! I use they/them pronouns” I said with a smile on my face. “Do we wanna go around and introduce ourselves?” When no one next to me made an indication that they were going to go, a person one more seat to my left started us off. 

“Hello. My name is Kian. He/him”.

Slowly but surely the six of us made our way around the circle. The person to my left was Dennis he/him, to my right was Alyssa she/her, directly across from me was Othello he/him, and to his right was Imogen she/her. 

Just when we finished introducing ourselves the therapist came in. 

“Hello everyone, sorry I am late and welcome to group therapy.”

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