To Pet a Dragon

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The Duke of Kempfer clearly had the biggest and most well appointed house in town. Not that that was unexpected in any way; I mean, he was the king's brother after all.

After the spectacle of the parade walk through the tight streets, we made our way up a twisting hillock. There were several large and fancy looking homes here, all gated, and most having at least one armored guard present. But the duke's mansion, on top of the hill, was the only one that had a guard wearing the royal uniforms.

The man wasted no time opening the thick wooden gate so that our carriage and men could enter. He had clearly been warned of my presence, given I could see that he was doing his absolute best not to gawk. Though I still caught him steeling glances. I really couldn't blame him, I was pretty marvelous after all.

Beyond the gate were yet more uniformed guards along a curved, cobbled drive. The royal carriage was led straight along it till it was front and center of the Duke's home.

It was a four story mega mansion! I bet the thing was, like, three rooms away from being considered a palace! And, though the large front doors were wide enough that I could probably enter, I suddenly was very nervous about it. For one thing, what if my claws tore up his expensive floors and rugs?!

But more then that... I suddenly found myself not wanting to be in the wood and stone cage that human's called houses. Even one this large was making me feel claustrophobic. Heck, in my old life I loved small spaces! But now the thought of the walls squeezing against my sides, and their not being enough room to spread my wings was making me a little nauseous. 

I was fairly certain that being a dragon did not mean that barfing on a prince's rugs would not come off as rude.

"Nephew! Niece!" Bellowed a surprisingly deep voice, startling me out of my distracted state. I brought my eyes down off the upper floors of the mansion and saw that there were actually many people outside that I simply had over looked due to the ridiculous size of the place.

The short walkway, as well as the wide stairs leading up to the double doors of the Duke's home, were lined with men and women in maid and butler uniforms, each of them either curtsying or bowing as a stately man with broad shoulders and thick blonde hair strode between them, an equally broad smile plastered on his bearded face.

Behind him, walking in a much more elegant and sedated pace, were three other people. I assumed that the elegant, platinum blonde woman wearing a simple yet expensive dress and pearl earrings was the Duke's wife. That meant that the young boy holding her hand, looking equal parts petulant and excited, would have been their son. As for the other child, a little girl of about five years of age, she was held up in her mother's arms, gazing wide eyed my way. Both children had their mother's platinum hair, but their father's crystal like eyes.

"Greetings, Uncle." Came the clear tone of Leon. I craned my head around the back of the carriage to see that Loric was holding the door open, while the prince was helping the still drowsy Serenity down the two steps to the ground. Once the royal duo had step toward their family, Loric- quite gentlemanly- aided Hannah down, then they both stood stiffly behind their masters.

"I hear that the trip was more eventful than anticipated." Said Duke James Orelious, his cheerful demeanor changing for the briefest of seconds as he looked over his young niece and nephew for any obvious signs of damage. "I just sent out a squad of some of my best knights to bolster the security on the road. If any of the scoundrels remain, you can be assured that they will be taken care of promptly!' He stated as his own immediate family caught up with him. The Duke extended an arm on reflex and pulled his wife closer to his side.

"That is good news, Uncle." Leon stated reaching out a hand and shaking the duke's free one, a bright but tired smile on his face. "Loric and the knights are stout and true knights, but even they may have suffered losses in the execution of their work had it not been for Allura."

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