but I'm feeling 22!

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"You look so pretty!" Liv says to me as I walk out of my bedroom revealing my look for tonight's party.
"Hell ya you look good!" My friend Jordan adds.
"Thanks guys!" I say giving the girls a smile.
Preston is practically asleep on the couch by the time we are done getting ready.
"Wake up doofus!" Liv spits out while slapping Preston's face.
Preston wakes up with an annoyed look.
"I've been ready for hours.." The boy says trailing off.
All of us roll our eyes at Pres's ignorance.
"Well what do you think?" I ask while giving him a 360 of tonight's outfit.
He nods his head.
"I like it." He says.
And it may have sounded like a lame compliment, but from Pres—it was like him saying you are the most gorgeous person in the world.
Not that Preston would ever say that.
"Thanks Pres!" I say flashing him a toothy smile.
I hear a loud *cling* from our kitchen as I whip my head around.
I see Liv standing on our counter trying to grab alcohol out of the cabinet.
"What? I'm just trying to pregame!" The girl defensively says as she picks out a bottle of Malibu.
"I'm saving the fun for the party." I say while laughing.
"Who's even going?" Jordan asks.
There was no 'invite' list, Liv just posted on all her socials about it..
"Like everyone!" The girl says as she drinks her shot.
We all give her funny looks.
"Come on people let's go!" Liv screams as we all make our way out of the apartment.


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I walked into the crowded party that my best friend has been planning for ever.
The only lights were ones that were flashing different colors.
Music blasted through the venue as everyone followed the beats with their dancing.
"Wow Liv, you've out done yourself!" I say taking a look around.
Liv looks happy to hear that but she doesn't show it too much.
"Anything for you!"

I make my way over to the bar.
I smile at the bartender and he pours me a random drink.
Without question, I quickly chug it and ask for another.
"Hey!" I hear someone say.
It was a very dressed up Jadon.
Different than what I normally see him wear, he had on a black button down and black pants.
"Hi!" I say back loudly.
"What are you drinking?" He asks.
I shrug my shoulders in response.
"Let me!" He says grabbing my cup and saying something to the bartender.
He hands me the cup and I drink it.
Followed by another, and another.


"Come on It'll be fun!" KK says trying to get me out of bed.
I shoot her a blank stare.
"Whose party is it even?" I ask.
KK doesn't respond.
"KK!" I shout as I throw a pillow at her.
"Honestly, I say we go just for the vibes.. and the drinks!" The girls adds.
I roll my eyes as I hop out of my bed.
"Fine." I say.
My response is followed by a crazy KK jumping around in a circle.
"Out!" I say making her leave my room.
KK and Ice mentioned some party tonight being thrown at the Firelion venue.
The place is huge and every event that takes place there is a hit.
I wasn't really planning on joining my teammates, but I somehow end up doing just that.
"Paige!" I hear Azzi scream.
I leave my room to go see what the girl needs.
She's facing her closet and pushing through her clothes.
She grabs something off the hanger.
"Wear this!" Azzi says excitedly.
"Azzi-" I try to say as I'm quickly cut off.
"Nope, you are wearing this!" She says shoving a white top and black cargo pants at me.
I take the clothes back to my room and put them on.
The shirt hugged my body nicely, and the pants were baggy as I like them.
I decided to listen to Azzi and wear the outfit tonight.
"Hurry up!" I heard Ice shout from outside my room.
I quickly brushed through my hair and left my room.
The girls give me a look up and down but before they could comment— "Azzi made me where it." I say rolling my eyes.
KK nods in an understanding way.
"You look good." She adds.
I flash her a smile.
"So do you." I mouth to her.

By the time we made it to the party, it seemed that everyone already had a couple drinks.
Nika arrived before us since she left earlier.
The girl was already tipsy as she danced near me.
"Want me to get you a drink?" Ice asks me.
I nod and she follows KK to the bar.
I watched the girl in front of me busting down moves.
"Where did you learn how to do that?!" I say to Nika.
"All natural!" She screams back.
I turn my back to check on Ice and Arnold, but i'm met with a significant smaller figure crashing into me, and dropping their drink.

She's baaaackkk!

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