A Little Plant in my Room

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I have a little plant in my room
With short brown hair and big green eyes
He's the first plant I haven't killed
And he's the first plant I truly like

Every time I kill a plant I say I'll never get another
But I fall in love again
With a plant that shouldn't have me as its lover
So I'll stay away this time

Because when you like a plant you pick it
But when you love it you let it grow
And this one's too pretty to kill
So at least I should let it know

Hope the plant still likes me
An animal that can't love right
I really want to set it free
But at the same time I don't want to let it go

I'll keep the plant in my room for now
Watch it, water it, from afar
We'll grow old together
And you'll always be there in my heart

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