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I flip through the pages as I chew on my pen. Flip. Chew. Flip. Chew. The sound of a chair leg against the floor sounds again. Another student is done. The clock somehow seems to be ticking louder than it was thirty minutes ago. Okay. I'm done. I did good. I know it. I slowly get up but not too slowly to get unnecessary attention. Just the right amount of slow; I walk to Mr.Simmons desk, give him my test packet and spare him a small but sweet smile to which he reciprocates. I walk out of the classroom making sure the door doesn't slam too loud behind me. I let out a breath of relief as I smile to myself and think to myself I did good. That is until I hear him. His evil maniacal laugh that rumbled through the hallways. His stupid dimples deep in his face with his big smile. His dimples are a facial deformity yet everyone find them cute. I think they're stupid. He has a group surrounding him as usual. A small girl with perfectly curled hair and a skirt that is almost too short but not enough to be against dress code. Next to her are two tall guys. They're basketball players. I think one of their names is Derrick? Eric? Something along the lines of that. He started walking towards me with his large stride. "Canmore." He says in his husky voice that sends shivers down my spine every time. "Anderson." I say as he stops in front of me with his smug smile. "What do you think you got?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms as I nonchalantly say "Full marks like usual." Well, I try to say it nonchalantly and cool but I ended up looking dumb and awkward. He flashes his stupid smirk exposing his perfectly straight white teeth. Life is unfair I think to myself. "What do you think you got?" I ask as he runs his hands through his hair, an annoying habit of his as he says "Perfect score of course. I wouldn't be too confident that you got a perfect score. I mean the last test we took you got 2 points lower than I did." My eye twitches and my blood boils but I can't let him know he's getting to me. I do my breathing exercises. Mom says I need to be "less tense". Breath in. Breath out. "That hardly counts. I only got two marks off because Mr. Simmons did not like the pencil I was using, so enjoy your small victory while it lasts." I smile to myself because we both know I'm right and I have a good feeling about my score. I walk away as he remains standing with the smug look on his face. Annoying. He's so irritating. I can't wait to win and rub it in his face.

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