People's lore

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I just started and I'm already tired.

Valentina is a trusted citizen. She is very loyal to the cult and is not afraid to kill someone for the cult. Valentina works really hard as she wants to be higher but no matter how hard she tries she is ready as they say.

One done so many left to go.

Kyleigh is just a normal citizen that wishes she can be higher as she wants to be with Miranda her best friend. She knows for a fact she will never be or see her best friend until Miranda retires or makes time (which is almost impossible) to see Kyleigh. Kyleigh is only in the cult as she followed Miranda.

Dante is a low life which means he has trouble living so as in the law people have to help him with his problems. Dante most of the time takes control over people's kindness manipulating them into giving him what he wants. He is not to be trusted...
(But then again this is a cult who is to be trusted)

I'm so damn tired. Someone do this chapter and put me to sleep!!!!

Miranda is guard helping the cult hide it's secrets she is the one who kills the people in death row and the one who guards the gate form trespasses. She is always in huge stress but never tells anyone. Miranda misses Kyleigh just as much as Kyleigh misses her. Miranda was forced into the cult as she didn't want to die then as you know Kyleigh followed her as she couldn't lose her best friend.

Ryan (I fucking hate this son of a bitch but other than that he is my bestie.) is on death row as he keep disrespecting the higher ranks. He is a zest fest! Ryan was a lowlife with Dante his uncle, but then Ryan kept disrespecting the higher ranks and went on death row. His status right now is missing... As he ran away.

Evelyn (real name is Carson.) is a leader she is not the brightest but not rudest, she is both of them. Evelyn tries her best to parent her children but isn't really good at it as she always calls a babysitter other than that Evelyn is a badass bitch who doesn't give a fuck about anything other then her cult status.

Nathan is a guard with Miranda. Him and Evelyn has a little thing together if you know what I mean~ ;). Uhm anyways Nathan is usually watching the back gates. He gets scared from very little things but he isn't scared of big things. (He isn't that big of a deal as he joined the cult on his free will so there isn't much to say.)

Micheal is a heir just like Emma but he is way more nicer and sweet he is know for putting a smile one people's face. Micheal often makes people happy but he isn't really happy so he usually like Emma he goes and talks with the Spirit of the realm as they understand everyone and everything.

Allyson is a trusted citizen she is so nice and kind but not as nice as Micheal. She can be a little mischievous. Allyson usually hangs out with Leila as she is her best friend although Leila goes through trouble Allyson is still there for her bestie and always helping her.

Janelle is a citizen often hanging out with everyone except John. She is known as the badass trouble maker although nobody cares so they don't put her in death row. She has been close to being on death row but never has made it. Although being that close to death row made her have some anxiety so she tries her best not to get in trouble all the time.

Giada is another gaurd she help protect the royal family. She is honestly very sus like actually sus not suspicious just sus. Although she's sus she really is a good guard and doesn't have problems at all (so there isn't much lore for her )

And finally

John is just a citizen living.

I'm finally done!!!. Also ship whoever you want to ship. I don't care. You can also imagine how the person look like I also don't care! :) word count: 713.

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