Chapter 1

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Being with Tiger was one of those moments of my life where I was deeply in love. Everything just blurs, his voice, his lips. Every color of him was rushing towards me and with a love so strong it caused my chest to ache. Most people wouldn't call what we had a love story in fact, they would call it a tragedy. But for something to be a complete disaster doesn't it have to be something to lose to begin with?

One person reigns free in your mind every constant minute. In vacant spaces, you can feel the scent of them clinging to your skin. It's a rush, an exhilarating craving that consumes you and all you think about is when you'll see them again but the thing with this strong emotion is that when there's a small, tick, a tension pulling, voices raised, it's enough to consume you and take over, pulling your heart apart. Tiger was all I had but then I lost him. I didn't want us to be over but sometimes people make your choices for you.

Do you ever feel that sometimes you're on the brink of insanity? That if you don't keep your guard up you'll lose complete control? Lose control of everything that you're warped into this unimaginable nightmare thing that destroys everything in its wake.

Our feet slam on the pavement, the gritty undertones of the ground slipping beneath our shoes. The moon glowed an overcast above us. My heart was erratic, wrenching, and twisted between my ribs. It felt like all eyes were on us, that at any moment the cops would pounce and we'd be done.

Rose is breathing heavily behind me. I stepped back, my feet skidded and I almost fell off the ledge. I step back looking at the two buildings. The space between us is a fifty-foot drop. Rose catches up, bending down to put her hands on her knees.

"We're going to have to jump," I tell her.

Rose stares at me, her eyes wide.

"You've got to be kidding me." She says.

I roll up my sleeves. "I'm not," I say, backing up to create some distance.

"There's no way we'll make it." She squeaks. I can already feel her throat swelling up as she lets out a staggered breath.

I turn to face her, putting my hands on her shoulders and squeezing them. "If we turn around now, we'll get caught."

She bites her lip, quivering. "There has to be another way,"

I realize my hold on her, staring her dead in the eyes. "There isn't."

She sighs. "Fine."

"I'll go first," I say.

She nods.

My heart pulses in my chest as I stare at the looming gap between the two buildings. I took a deep breath and planted my feet on the ground. With one swift motion, I arched my back then sprinted, making sure to cover ground, and then launched myself into the air, legs flaring across the space, landing on the other side on my hip. I wince as sharp pain stabs my pelvis and arms.

"Are you okay?!" Rose shouts.

I groan. "What do you think?!"

Rose looks over her shoulder. "I don't know if..."

"Just jump!" I shout, gritting my teeth as pain creeps up my back when I stand.

"Okay..." she says.

Rose charges towards me and I smile. She jumps but her back leg slips, getting caught on the ledge. Rose's face turns white and my heart drops. Her body plummets down the side of the building and smacks into the bottom with a vicious thud.

"Oh my god. Rose! Rose!" I yell over the roof, looking down at her body.

Her arms and legs are twisted at odd angles, blood leaking from her lips.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


A tall young man with brown twirling curls leaned on the back of a red convertible. It was usually slicked back with gel, the sides shaved off with three vertical lines. His black leather jacket strains against his muscles as he crosses his arms. When I appear in his rear eye view, he raises an eyebrow at me, spitting out the cigarette that was dangling from his lips. This was Wade Channing, the young wolf, leader of the pack, and unfortunately my ex-boyfriend.

"Where's Rose?" He says as he crushes the cigarette under his boots.

I swallow hard. "She's dead."

He gets up, straightening his posture. "What do you mean? She didn't make it?"

"We were corned on the roof of Maple's liquor store. We had to jump across," I say, trying to avoid his eyes.

Somehow I would get blamed for this. He looks at me, his dark brown eyes piercing into my soul. I squirm under his gaze, averting my eyes to his feet.

"I barely made it, Rose wasn't so lucky," I say.

"You didn't go back for her?" He growls.

I shuddered, wrapping my arms around myself. "I couldn't. How?! It was a long drop and there was so much blood."

The air crackles with a soft thunder. Then the sound again erupts in a ripple each crackle roaring with a blaring explosion.


"What was that?!" I ask him even though the churning in my gut knows.

Wade pulls his keys out of his pocket and opens the car door. "Okay, come on, we have to go."

I go inside, settling on the leather seats as he closes the door behind me. He jogs to the driver's side and slides into his seat, starting the ignition.

"That has to be the renegades. They know we're here," I tell him as he steps onto the gas and speeds down the road.

"How?" He asks, his jaw tensing.

"Rose might've leaked our location," I say.

His lips go into a straight line and he turns to glare at me. "Might have?"

"The guy she was hooking up with couldn't be trusted," I say, twisting my braid between my fingers.

"What did I tell you guys about going out and talking to people you don't know?" He growls, teeth seething.

I put my hands up in alarm. "Don't put this on me! I told her there was something off about him!"

He steps on the brake hard, causing my head to snap back. I groan, rubbing the back of my neck. He turns the engine off and gets out of the car walking away from me. "You have three weeks," he says over his shoulder. Then he disappears around the corner getting swallowed by the shadows.

How the hell was I going to find a replacement in only two weeks? It took them three years to get Rose. I sigh, closing my eyes. The dirt and grime under your fingernails will not turn into dust. It will morph, stripping you of your blood and bone.


The blood leaking down my right leg has already dried. My heart hammers in my chest and I'm panicking. I'm walking to Tiger's car ready to sit in the passenger seat and I'm trying to figure out how to cover it up. I switch my backpack to my stomach, pulling out some wet wipes and swiping the blood away but as soon as I'm finished a fresh warm blood streak flows in the spot I just cleaned. I looked down and saw that I'd stained my pants badly.

My period came to me suddenly ruining the plans I had for the day. It turned my body into an arctic chill, the cells on my sweat glands releasing a system of hot water to cool me down. But there was no calming, my anxiety was spiking tenfold. I was in a cycle of making sure my steps were normal, and that my breathing flowed from my chest easily but I was pretty close to cracking.


Eeekk!!! The first chapter is here! I hope you guys like it! Don't forget to comment, vote, or whatever else you like to do when reading on here!

Until next time,

Miss Yanxiet <3

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