Chapter 1: Introduction

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Eric was looking down at his best friend Jordan, all five foot six of him. His friend's piercing blue eyes stood out from his long black hair looked greasy and unwashed mostly due to him wearing eyeliner. That and his old Metallica shirt and baggy pants. They were having another argument about money, just like they seemed to be having weekly now. Eric sighed pinching his nose before talking.

"Look, I know the job market is tough right now though my patience is wearing thin, Jordan. Your band hasn't had a paying gig in years, and you have turned down every job that has come your way because you claim it is below your level or does not pay enough. Sure you have a few certifications for computers, but you don't have any education because you left school early because of some big chance to make it big, and that didn't pan out. Then you got a few computer contract jobs and sure I understand contracts are temporary, I'm betting one of them would have kept you on if you didn't keep skipping work for some music career that isn't happening. I have had it," Eric we are in our mid-twenties and you have been unemployed more than you have worked, and now even unemployment has stopped paying you. I swear if you don't take the next job that is offered to you, I'm kicking you out."

Jordan's anger was more than just present he felt like boiling over, sure Eric was taller than him being just over six feet tall and while he wasn't a muscle head he was in good shape compared to his own small frame, and had a steady job as a construction project manager didn't mean he was better than him. But then Eric said the words he himself had been dreading, the threat of being homeless. Though it wasn't just what he said, it was how he said it. Not full of anger, but sorrow. Jordan calmed his nerves, he knew Eric was a good guy and had helped him more than anyone else, though he was sure part of this was him taking some of his frustration out from his break up the other month.

"I know, I know I have fucked up, but please don't kick me out. You know I don't have anywhere to go, no family to lean on. But I have taken jobs below me, like when you got me a job doing grunt labor on your construction site. It hurt when you fired me Eric, you know that." Jordan's voice was almost pleading with his friend, if he didn't turn this around he would be sleeping on the streets.

Eric pinched the bridge of his nose again, a habit of his when he is frustrated. Waving his hand toward Jordan he continued but this time no more harshness in his voice. "Look, I didn't want to fire you from the job, but it is on you. I got you the job because you begged me, and I knew you couldn't handle the labor, but I did it anyways because you are like a brother to me. The other guys noticed that you couldn't handle your share, and put more than one complaint about it, but I covered for you. Then I started getting complaints that you were slacking off on your phone, not once, not twice. You took advantage of our relationship and that is starting to feel like a running theme. Friends help friends it is what they do, and while Becky ripped my heart out, I don't blame you."

The smaller man walked over and sat on a stool at the kitchen bar and was feeling what his friend was telling him, he really did screw up that job he got him though he really did need those extra breaks. He crossed his arms pulling them close to his chest as he rubbed his forearms remembering the fatigue and soreness from the manual labor, but then he gave Eric a confused look. "Well, I'm happy to hear you don't blame me for all that, I didn't know she was crazy when I introduced you to her, only that she was hot."

"No..that isn't, I mean she was." Eric stumbled a bit in his words and held out his hand for Jordan to stop. "Yes Becky was hot and I did appreciate you hooking me up with her once you struck out on her at your old job. I thought I was lucky she even listened to you, without a doubt she got hit on all the time dressed the way she did being a secretary at your old office." Eric's thoughts went back to thinking of his girlfriend's.. well ex-girlfriend's ass and legs as she sashayed out the door in the mornings for work."It was fun while it lasted and I tell you I thought she was the one. She was living with us just didn't work out."

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