Party, Exam and Met Gala

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Demitra's pov

"Hey, come on in" Ayesha says opening the door for us. I smile at her and step in. The place is all decorated in birthday stuff and it's cute. "We didn't bring gifts because I know Ryan didn't want any" Sunday says making Ryan rush into the room and pout.

"She's just messing with you" I reassure the younger child in front of us. "Ellie! Come help me!" Riley shouts from across the room. "Duty calls" Ellie rushes over to the girl who's trying to tie a balloon.

Sunday left with Ayesha to finish something and I'm here with Ryan. "Is your girlfriend coming?" She ask with hope in her eyes. "I'm not sure. Why don't we ask" she nods and I squat down to her height and pull out my phone and FaceTime Paige.

On the first ring, she answers. "Come help me. I don't know how to tie a bow" that's the first thing she said. "Hi Demitra's girlfriend" Ryan says taking my phone and walking away with it.

I watch her sit on the couch and starts talking to her like they've known each other for years. "Alright then" I set my gift by the other one and help around a bit. We came early to help and Ryan couldn't wait to see us so yeah.

I help cleaning up a little until the guest got here. I couldn't stay long since I have this exam to write and I'm a little stressed out because of it but I tend not to show it.

"Your girlfriend said she's on her way and that she loves you" Ryan said, handing me back my phone. "I told her that you love her back for you" I thank her and compliment her on her outfit. This family always had good style.

"Hey. I'm here for Ryan's party" I heard Paige's voice from a distance. I smile and rush to the door to see her and Steph staring at each other. Both staring for a different reason. I could just tell.

Paige is starting because it's Steph Curry and she always wanted to meet up in person and that she's shitting her pants. Steph on the other hand is staring....more like thinking. About? Probably if she's good for me. Or something.

"Come in" she thanks him and he steps aside so that she can come in. "You're my kid's girlfriend right?" Steph ask as I stand next to him and smile at them. "As 'kid' I hope you mean Demitra. If so then yes" she says standing there awkwardly.

"Who else?" Yes. You might think this is a little rude but just wait. 3...2...1..."I'm just messing with you. You should have seen the look on your face" he starts laughing, calming Paige down a little.

"It's nice to officially meet you" they shake hands. "Please make yourself at home" he says then rushing off because Canon got into the cake. "You know you didn't need to come right? I have to leave early anyways" I tell her giving her a long ass hug that I very much needed.

"I know but I wanted to see you and I miss you. It's also Steph Curry's daughter's birthday so" she kisses me and I just melt into her. "Alright. That's enough. There's kids around" I back away to see Riley gagging in front of us.

We then go to the living room where everyone else is and Paige handed Ryan's gift and she thanked her and gave her a hug. We played some games, opened up the presents before I had to leave.

Paige gave her and her family tickets to her next game since Ryan secretly has been begging me to ask her for tickets. I got her a little packet of things she can decide on. Like one page is that she can decide on a manicure or pedicure and she can only choose one. Another one is go out for lunch or go to the movies.

She sucks at deciding on things so that should be interesting. Sunday got her new shoes and Ellie got her a gift card to her favourite store. Ryan was clear that she didn't want much for her birthday but she got the opposite.

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