The hurt omega

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Nicholas POV (Apollo his wolf)

"The hunters have been getting out of control. They are going after smaller packs now, as the biggest we need to stop them before its to late!" My beta Tyler yells at the newest report that he was reading through. But he does have a point we need to be careful, a lot of the smaller packs all over the world have been killed by the hunters and it needs to be taken care of. 

I nod to my beta and say "I agree with you Tyler but we need to be careful we have no clue where they are getting info from. They are doing one good thing with all this killing, you can't deny it even if you want to." Tyler clenches his fist hard the scoffs "yeah I am aware that the rogues are also reducing, but thats also becuse more packs are giving them a chance. That is all thanks to you Nick."   

"Traning is about to start lets go Ty." Tyler just nods and heads out first. I sigh and lean back against my office chair. I'm 24 years old and this pack still does not have a luna. It's not just this pack that needs it, my mom would like to retire sometime soon my dad already has and is helping mom a lot. Then lets not forget that the pack needs it. 

At the traning grounds: 

All warriors were play fighting when I got there Tyler was just standing to the side watching this chaos as usual. But when they got a whiff of my scent it became quiet instantly. Everybody turned towards me and waited for my next comand. "Shift and follow me on extra patrol", these are younger warriors so they go on extra patrols with me and Tyler. 

When majority of the wolfs have shifted I take my clothes of and shift together with Tyler. Me and Ty run into the forest with the rest of the wolfs following us. Nothing seems to be up at all today. 

My ears pick up cars driving in the forest nearby us, which is weird becuse the road to the pack isn't in this part of the forest. Humans don't often come to this part either becuse of to many wolfs. I glane at Ty and he seems to be thinking the same thing.'The youngest turn back and send some experienced wolfs here' .  I mind link and first they seem confused then they do as they are told and turn back. 

Arrows are in almost all the trees and some bullets to, this must have been a dril for some new hunters... I growl low when I think how they must be treating this poor wolf... Then the smell of blood is up in my nostrols and I run faster. 

We slow down when we get near the cars and crouch down behined them and the bushes. There naked in the grass a werewolf is laying in human form with an arrow in his left side. But what made me confused was the hunter hovering over him. Then I heard another man say:

"Boss, we have a job to do. I don't care if it's your son you adopted when you found out Camilla couldn't get pregnant. Something is wrong here werewolves don't put their pups up for adoption. Not even rouges do that. There is something special about him. Or a human found him when they went on a walk and took him to that adoption center."

He's right wolfs form strong bonds with eachother. That is also a reason for why we have different roles and titels. But finding a wolf pup in a human adoption center seems insane, she-wolfs hardly let their pups out their sight for years, this kid was an infant that seems even weirder. 'Alpha you think thats weird to right' . One of the wolfs link. 'Yeah she-wolfs would never leave their child like that' . The human starts talking to his boss again:

"We should take him back with us in that case. And boss, isn't he tiny for being basically a fully grown werewolf?"

Small for a wolf? He can't be their hasn't been one for over 150 years...

"You're right, maybe he's a male omega... But one hasn't been seen for over 150 years... If that's the case we can't let the pack here find out."

This boss where did he find this kid. An orphange... but why would he be their... a male omega...

"What are you talking about boss?"

'Go to attack in 30 seconds... we are saving that kid and we are going to figure this out'

"We are standing on the world's biggest packs lands, their alpha hasn't found his mate yet. He is also known for taking in omegas that have it bad in their packs, or if an omega is a rouge.We can't le..............."

'Let's save the hurt omega'


Author's note:

Super sorry it's been so long since I updated! I want to write more but as I have stated i'm in college and have like no free time what so ever. 

I do have a plan for this so that I will finish this story! During summer break i'm going to write the whole thing and publish the a chapter once a week! That way I can just edit it when i have the time and add a chapter if I want to!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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