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*Adrian's POV*

I felt nothing but pain as I stared at the grey headstone. It stared back at me as if it wasn't standing on top of one of people I loved the most.

"Why'd you leave me? I still needed you," I whisper with a tear running down my cheek.

Even though it's been months, it still hurts.

I look up to the sound of footsteps coming my way.

"Come on, let's head to the airport now," Elijah says to me.

"Goodbye Mom," I say as I walk away.

Elijah was very touch and go for a while there. They got the bullet out and he had a quick and easy recovery.

It's been a month since the shooting and it's currently Christmas break.

We're down in my old city visiting Mama one more time before we fly back to where we live now.

I hop into the car with Elijah and drive us to the airport where Dad is waiting on us.

We meet him at the boarding and he waves us over.

"Hey, how's my two favorite people in the world doing?" He says with a smile.

"Just great," I say with the same smile.

"Yeah what she said," Elijah said with his carry on bag on his back.

"Do you have your medicine, Elijah?" Uncle Sebastian chimes in.

Elijah has to take medicine for his bullet wound for it properly heal and to help with the pain.

"Yes Dad I do," he replies.

The intercom comes on and calls for first class passengers and we begin on our way to the plane.

"The injured first," I say to Elijah.

"Why thank you ma'am," He says and walks ahead of me.

"Of course sire," I reply and walk directly behind him.

Elijah is okay now. He just has random pain from time to time. He even jokes about it. As if I didn't watch my best friend almost die in front of me.

We go and sit down and wait for the plane to fully board.

Once everyone is boarded, the pilot says their usual stuff about seatbelts and blah blah blah.

I put in my headphones and play music and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up from time to time from Elijah occasionally bumping me. But other than that, I sleep throughout the whole plan ride until we land.

We load off and go to the baggage claim.

"I don't know if my bag will ever show up," Uncle Sebastian says with his hands on his head.

Yeah everyone else already has their bag, but as usual, Uncle Sebastian is the last one to get his.

It's like a thing. Every time we fly Uncle Sebastian is always the last one to get his bag. It's very funny if you ask me.

Eventually, though, his bag arrives and he huffs a "finally."

We all muffle a laugh and begin making our way to the exit.

"Alright, I'll see y'all tomorrow, be safe now," My dad says to them.

"You know me. Always safe," Elijah says with a chuckle.

We all give each other a hug and say our goodbyes. Dad and I hop into his car and take the short drive home.

You Drive Me Crazy.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora