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Location: Panda Co.Tech
Time: 03:13 am
(6 hours and 47 minutes before the release of the diet watch)

It was 3:13am, regardless of being all dark outside, Seoul shined with its huge skyscraper buildings and its glossy windows. That night, the building looked oddly elegant and mysterious, the city was serene and quiet. But they say "calmness before a storm."
'But isn't it just a saying?'
'Yes. It's a saying that we humans made up, not every calmness implies storm, life could be getting better for some.'

However, that wasn't the case for Park Kwang-su, this particular day could alter this life for the best or worse. But why him? Why Kwang-su, besides being the hero's dad obviously.


Enemies are for the rich and successful people.
In our case, Kwang-su is both, he earned both success and money.When you have both, you are debted to the universe, so the universe sends enemies, for the best or worst. The Gospel of Matthew says, "Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

 Enemies could be in the inner circle. If luck isn't with you, your inner circle can betray you.

Two men dressed in all black arrived in a black car, it seemed to blend well with the setting. It was completely pitch black. One of the secretive men takes out a harpoon gun and aims it high after a quick mental calculation, he shoots and not even after a minute, and both start climbing and breaks in, the room turns out to be Park Kwangsu's office. The invaders hacks in and starts going through the system, and shares few of the files to their system. Later, they destroy the evidence.

Suddenly the front door of Kwangsu's room opens, revealing a silhouette of a broad shouldered man, and it turns out to be Mr Baek, Park Kwang-Su's secretary, the wolf in sheep skin.

He gestures to the invaders to outside, and the men follow. They take the stairs and reach another room, he turns back to the men and whispers in a deep voice. "That bastard thinks I'm on a vacation, I will let you in the room using my identity card but make sure to destroy the record of me getting in.

Also that Kwangsu does not even have a proper protection on the devices. He takes the employee to be his family. What a dimwit."
The next hour, the invaders steal the device from the locker, and hacks into the company system and alters the password to create nuisance at the time of release and cleans up the evidence. The invaders leave through the way they came in and Secretary Baek also disappears.

It was Jeguk Enterprise, leaders in electronic appliances. Due to the Panda Co Tech's immense growth, ever since their custom, health monitor watches, Jeguk's owner Mr Jeong has been anxious after his personal shaman's prediction about his downfall in the coming year. He wanted to be invincible. The feelings Mr Jeong felt were totally valid, it was business. Business is a field with cut throat competitions and huge risk but once who bravely faces it gets their reward.

 But Mr Jeong's actions couldn't be justified. 

PS (from author)
Thank you for reading~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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