Another User Among Brothers

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(Morning dawned as they all woke up except from gyato, ace and sabo went out to hunt for food as Luffy stayed with gyato..

Luffy shakes gyato to wake up but no reply, he then picks up his own pipe as he slaps it on gyato's cheek as he woke up with a red face..)

Gyato: What is your problem Luffy?..!!!
Luffy: You are sleeping too much.. Right after you ate that Peeble fruit
Gyato: Oh! That's right.. I was having a dream about me using the power of wind and it was so cool, but don't know if I can do it real life
Luffy: Try it out brother

(Gyato stood up as he opens his palm to face the ceiling.. Wind gathers around his palm as it immediately turned into a small tornado..

He then stretched his arm outside of the door as the small tornado transformed into a massive tornado that uprooted trees and shakes their roof..

Gyato eyes widened as he closed his palm and the tornado disappeared, ace and sabo rushed to the tree house with ace carrying a boar and sabo carrying a bag of fish.. Gyato jumped from the door down as he controls the wind to safely put him down..

Ace and sabo were happy for gyato as he smiled..)

(After they Ate)

Luffy: Gyato! I want to spar with you..!
Gyato: What has gotten into you Luffy..?
Luffy: Let's see who's stronger between wind and rubber
Sabo: It would be a nice fight
Ace: Yeah! Gyato take it easy on him
Gyato: I never agreed but sure.. I would spar with you Luffy
Luffy: I thought you would disagree then I'll know you are afraid of me as a powerful powerhouse
Sabo: [You can't even beat him in arm wrestling talk less of fist fight]

(Ace and sabo stayed in the house while Luffy and gyato went down.. Luffy rushed towards Gyato as he stretched out his arm at him but his arm passed through him without hurting him..

All brothers were shocked as gyato just created a tornado and took Luffy out.. Gyato flew himself into the house with the help of his wind control..

Luffy came back some minutes later as he looked wet and cold.. Gyato dried him with wind..)

(Months later)

(Gyato had been training with Luffy as they depend on Gyato to fight the stronger bad guys that came for them from "Gray Terminal"..

Gyato was known all through gray terminal as some thugs were sent for sabo.. They successfully kidnapped sabo when Gyato was not around as they took him back to gray terminal..

Gyato came back as he saw that sabo was not around, they then went to ambush all thugs in gray terminal and asked for sabo but one thug told them were sabo was and they rushed there only to hear that sabo was put on a ship and sailed out of the island..

It didn't take long when they went to the sea shore and looked far into the sea as their eyes could see.. A loud explosion was heard as they saw a plank came back to the shore with the hat sabo always wore..

They all cried as they mourned the death of sabo..)

Gyato: Only if I were with him.. They wouldn't had kidnapped sabo
Ace: Don't blame yourself Gyato.. Everything happens for a reason
Luffy: SABOOOOO! My big brother, he's dead! I can believe sabo is dead!!
Ace: We need to become stronger! Stronger than we are!!
Gyato: I'm done playing games.. I'm destroying gray terminal
Ace-Luffy: WHAT!!!!!!!!!

Ace: There's no way you can destroy that place..!
Luffy: It's way too big!!! We couldn't even adventure round it
Gyato: But tomorrow I'm destroying it.. Don't come with me, I'm going alone

(The next day, Gyato went to gray terminal as he started causing damage to everything and killing everyone that crossed his path.. All thugs, noble and soldiers died in their fight against Gyato to stop him.. Gray terminal was on fire as Luffy and ace watched from afar.. Gyato came back as he wakes through the flames and went to meet his brothers..

Luffy looked at his elder brother as he walked past them soaked in blood.. Ace called out his name as gyato looked back and smiled at ace before collapsing)

(Few Hours Later)

(Gyato woke up feeling slight headache, he looked around and saw ace and Luffy sleeping beside him.. He remembers sabo's death as he's eyes got filled with tears..

Luffy woke up as he hugs gyato and stayed with him for the rest of the night..)

Gyato: I'm going to be a pirate at the age of 17
Luffy: Me as well
Ace: (woke up) Don't leave me out.. I'm sailing at 17
G/A/L: At 17 we are going to be pirates..!!

To Be Continued

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