Chapter 4

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Although Mary had hoped that they would have at least one customer at the mercantile before her father got back, it felt impossible by now. The day was soon to be over and her father would be back any minute. She didn't want to disappoint her father, but there was not much she could do, when it came to running a business, yet alone having money to buy anything. What Miles had said to Mary upstairs in her room really hurt her, but after all, he was right. She didn't have much at all. Mary and her family didn't have Christmas last year because they were so caught up in the death of Mary's mother, that Christmas had just slipped by, but this year would be their first real Christmas without their mother to help them make it special. Christmas is probably going to be terrible this year, Mary thought to herself. Without ma, it just seems pointless. But before she could think any longer, the bell on the door rang, to signal someone entering. Mary thought it was best not to get her hopes up, when she knew it was probably her father, or John and Miles, playing jokes on her.

"Excuse-me?" asked a man.

Mary looked up from the purchasing counter to see a tall man with dark hair, who had a thick beard. Was this her first customer of the day? Mary wondered. Hopefully he wanted something expensive. After all, he was wearing a fur coat and shiny shoes.

"Hello there, young lady. I'm looking for my son, Miles?" he said.

"Oh-oh- of course! Yeah, he's here. With John. I thought he would have told you."

"Well, he didn't. So if you don't mind, please point me in the direction of my son instead of wasting my time!" It had only been a few seconds, yet the man was impatient so he said this in a very snotty way.

"Just up the stairs to the right. John and Miles should be in there."

The mayor climbed the stairs in a very fancy fashion. Once he had returned with Miles in his clutches, he started towards the door.

"Mr. Mayor, would you like to buy anything here for half price?" asked Mary, trying to think of any way to make even a little amount of money.

"Why, how improper would that be? Me, the richest of the rich, buying from one of the poorest little shops in town. You know, I find it quite rude that you would even bother asking me that, child. Even with the discount, nothing here would serve me any good. So good day, and next time, be careful who you beg for money from."

With that, the mayor and Miles, walked out of the mercantile with slight grins on their faces. By then, John had come down from his room to say goodbye to Miles.

"Why are you even friends with him?" asked Mary.

John shrugged and dragged himself back upstairs.

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